
Showing posts from October, 2022

Day 95 - The End of the World River

  The End of the World River I know . . . one minute I am stating that you should Get Rooted ( Day 95 - Get Rooted ) and then, what I am about to state . . . appears as if you are to do the opposite thing. It is reasonable to doubt, but let that be for one moment, before you knock it on the head!  Navigating reality consciously comes with dichotomies and there are really great reasons for it . . . two actually. Until the altered ego ( short for : diabolical position that is disconnected from the Source, trying to be powerful with a toothbrush and straw broom, whilst floundering through life pretending to be a success story in all areas of life ) is starved - it rules! So, dichotomies are a fanastic and divine way to deal with the altered ego. There are switchbacks on any journey through a mountain pass, and one rule does not apply for the whole journey. At some parts of the journey you will be required to duck and dive, and at other other parts, to fly and soar. Secondly, they...

Day 96 - My Name is Anxiety

  I am from the backblocks of your subconscious and I live in your former lives.  I am the shadow that was formed in your childhood when you did not meet the expectations of others.  I am your hurt and pain . . . stuffed under the rug that is waiting to be pulled out from under you.  I am the deepest and darkest hours of a short circuit caused by abuse and torment. I am your shame . . . I am the reason you want to jump into bliss but cannot, because that would require freedom. That kind of freedom comes when there are no more shadows waiting to pull you off the edge.  I am trying to get your attention . . . trying to tell you something about yourself . . . that you and I can go our separate ways. I am the dread from your puberty years when body change was necessary but not really enjoyed, and you have not escaped me . . . yet. I am your adulthood with all of its repsonsibilities, and I even project into your future . . . if you will let me? I am your feelings - ...

Move That Mountain

Move that Mountain You may wonder how ' moving a mountain ' is an opportune time to surrender? But moving a mountain is not as hard to do as you may think, given a little perspective, a smidgen of knowledge and a dash of understanding.  Change is all about surrender . . . Whilst our physical body fights ferociously to find peace and rest, our heart fortifies and hopes for joy and wonder - our mind holds the sword and swings the battle axe and declares war! And when the mind goes to war - all engines fire, all cogs turn, all mechanisms grind and the chemicals rush to carry the messages. War does not have to be bloody and dirty, nor does it have to be fought on foreign soil . . . War can be fought in our own homes and in our own bodies . . . in our own minds! The mountain . . . is within you. The war is within you. The battle is within you. The surrender lies within you. Change is the ability to recognise when the battle is over, not lost , and...

Day 97 - Get Rooted!

  Get Rooted! - Quickly - " Separated from the earth and her soils and toils, the roots of the tree dangle in oblivion wondering where they belong. " Whether it is by deliberate design or as a product of a civilization struck a couple of degrees from it’s evolutionary trajectory, humans’ beings now find themselves lifted off from their foundations. No longer rooted in the goodness of ancient ways, natural wisdom and the laughter of making mistakes, they struggle to make sense of what they are. They are dis-enfranchised, disorientated, disassociated, dissonant and dismayed, and all because their connection to the substance of life is missing. Once connected from the heavens or the sky, to the ground beneath their feet, they were held by a singular line of electromagnetic energy right through the heart centre. A line of pure and powerful connection, giving them every reason to be on earth . . . and to be ecstatic. Held . . . powerfully, they never questioned their Source, their...

Day 99 - Time For New Shoes

  Time For New Shoes Your road . . . your pace . . . your blisters!  “What is truth? It is subjective.  Which means that truth is personal and available only to you. It only needs to exist if it is yours. We like to imagine that there is one singular truth – one size that fits all. That is correct, but only for a certain time, travelling through space at the speed of light. But beyond that?  Truth is yours because it fits just like a shoe, and no two shoes fitthe same, hence the metaphor "You can only know what I have been through if you have walked a mile in my shoes!"  Thus the subjective nature of an individual’s truth is dependent on their beliefs. So is your truth, which can be a startling realisation.  Your subjective truth involves your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, decisions, and choices. Nothing gets more personal than that! They remain hidden unless you choose to reveal them or express them through your words, body language and actions....

DAY 100 - Surviving My Destiny

  'I am constantly faced with an enigma that follows me all over the place. It is this feeling that there is something better for me waiting just over the hill! That somehow I will run into my destiny and we will hug and feel connected once again. I can only imagine what that will be like as I search my past for the clues and signposts that should have gotten me there already.  Was it the time I broke my head in that accident, and months in bed should have ushered in a re-direct? Was it the almost expulsion from college for slipping out after curfew? Was it the time I had chicken pox as an adult . . . and I was deathly sick in bed? I imagine that those life stopping episodes would have been segways into a reality where destiny would declare itself . . . but no. It missed me for some reason and skipped past my doorway, onto another timeline, where a version of me grabbed it and hijacked it. Destiny was now missing! And I decided that it was up to me to hijack it bac...

DAY 98 - What Are My Choices Going Forward?

  What Are My Choices Going Forward? Landscapes of reality seem to change and with that comes the idea that we have to change to match that environment, but that thought needs adjusting. It is possible to change as the landscapes of life, from abundant to lack, alone to surrounded, happy to miserable and all the rest, move through our lives.  Change is not the issue.    The landscapes - however pleasant or unpleasant - are a reminder of how in control, directed, focussed and synchronized we are in our current position in time and space. If we were to stand stationary on a revolving platform and as the backdrop moved, it exposed us to a traditional cowboy theme, with cactis, horses, gunfire and revolvers, we would feel the impact. The same would take place if the next revolving theme bought a back drop of an office space, desk, piles of papers, windows and spilt coffee . . . we would feel the impact. This would also be the same if the backdrop were a mountain garden w...

Bridging Two unique Worlds

  ‘ Life is a humbling journey’ that creates the right landscape for the person we wish to become. One future day most of us arrive at a place that seems prepared by our parents and peers, schooling, and experiences, an un-built box that provides a sense of safety and belonging to stand on and live in. As we go about our lives filling the box with treasures and personal touches, we begin to compare our boxes with others, changing the details as we learn about and adjust to the world in order to justify and validate, to fit in. And in a fashion, that is where the story ends for many. We expect that everyone has an un-built box of parents, peers, and experiences. We recognize that not everyone begins with the same conditions we have . . . yet we compare ourselves with them regardless. In my experience, there are some who enter life missing one or more box components or builders. We call them (respectfully)‘fringe-dwellers’, a term meaning . . .  not in the city of the mass p...