Day 95 - The End of the World River


The End of the World River

I know . . . one minute I am stating that you should Get Rooted (Day 95 - Get Rooted) and then, what I am about to state . . . appears as if you are to do the opposite thing. It is reasonable to doubt, but let that be for one moment, before you knock it on the head! 

Navigating reality consciously comes with dichotomies and there are really great reasons for it . . . two actually. Until the altered ego (short for: diabolical position that is disconnected from the Source, trying to be powerful with a toothbrush and straw broom, whilst floundering through life pretending to be a success story in all areas of life) is starved - it rules!

So, dichotomies are a fanastic and divine way to deal with the altered ego. There are switchbacks on any journey through a mountain pass, and one rule does not apply for the whole journey. At some parts of the journey you will be required to duck and dive, and at other other parts, to fly and soar.

Secondly, they reveal the intricate nature of how upsidedown this reality can be and there are many times that the map cannot be known, the way ahead not seen and this is perfect. Much of the navigation requires faith, trust and belief . . . 

So, let us explore the 'End of the World River' then . . . 

It must move through you.

A colossal and mighty river indeed.

It comes with all the signs of the mighty Amazon at its zenith and every branch and twig comes crashing with its waters, towards you in the middle. And you cannot move because you are Rooted! 

Now here is we come to the real crux of spiritual mattering . . . consciousness is like water and it is unstoppable, leaving many behind in its wake. And you are immovable because if you aren't, then you are being carried along and away, with all the debris that is being removed from its path. You feel the blows from many news channels, governments, groups, financial, social media, societies and you see storm after storm, coming down towards you. 

And if you get caught up in the all the information that is travelling at a breakneck speed, you begin to hesitate and feel the fear of all those surging with the river, not knowing where they are being carried away to. 

Do not get carried away. . .

. . . With anything that passes by where you are making your stand. Where you are rooted and learning how to be transparent. It is only when you learn to be naked in truth, pure and immovable that you can observe the waves of good and bad as they dance the death fight in the river of consciousness. Naked and clear, you allow the waters of consciousness to pass right through you and all worldly information is seen for what it is . . . movement, revelation and cleansing. 

Standing in the river like everyone else, you feel those that pass you by as they disappear out of sight and those that are oblivious to the nature of reality, but you know that the river will eventually subside and you will be left standing. Conscious comprehension of the stakes is slowly sinking in and humans are grasping at straws to make sense, to survive and some are trying to swim. This analogy brings the Ents from the Lord of Rings (trilogy) to mind, when the tower came down and the flood that brought Issengard down. The Ents (mighty trees) stood their ground and were safe. 

Humans are looking to rolling tree trunks (media) moving with the river to cling to and for answers, and hope, all the while struggling to make sense of what all the information means. Does it mean life or does it mean death and so on . . .

. . . Anything just to survive . . .

There are no sides to choose from.

There is only your stand and being rooted in good healthy ground with really deep roots. Allow the river to flow through you and past you, and with it will come the things you need to get by, and to help others. 

Those that are going with the river, are asking: what is wrong and what is right, where do I go and what do I do, what must I believe, what is truth, where do I look and who do I follow?

Those that are rooted, are asking: How else can I help, how can I be of service, what thoughts can I have, what else can I do for those I know, what more must I learn and what else can I let go of?

If you feel the buffeting of the river of life and the hits of reality as they push you backwards for a moment, then go within and find that blessed place of surety deep in the heart, and then gently release and let go of what caused you to be impacted. You will see people that you know pass you by and you won't be able to catch them or hold on, for the tides of time will take them eventually. 

The river of consciousness will have its way.

It was always destiny.

The old is swept away and the new begins again - fresh and clean, in shock and grateful.

This has been the way for billions of cycles.

Humans beings are mere blades of grass in comparison . . .

. . . but grass remains even after a great flood and straightens out when the sun comes up.

 And the sun will come up again.

So now . . . it is time to make a stand and be transparent . . . until its not (chuckle)

[Photo by Bruno Cervera:]


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