Day 99 - Time For New Shoes


Time For New Shoes

Your road . . . your pace . . . your blisters!

 “What is truth?

It is subjective. 

Which means that truth is personal and available only to you. It only needs to exist if it is yours. We like to imagine that there is one singular truth – one size that fits all. That is correct, but only for a certain time, travelling through space at the speed of light. But beyond that? 

Truth is yours because it fits just like a shoe, and no two shoes fitthe same, hence the metaphor "You can only know what I have been through if you have walked a mile in my shoes!" 

Thus the subjective nature of an individual’s truth is dependent on their beliefs. So is your truth, which can be a startling realisation. 

Your subjective truth involves your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, decisions, and choices. Nothing gets more personal than that! They remain hidden unless you choose to reveal them or express them through your words, body language and actions. 

'One human's truth is another's poison' . . . or something like that, and this is where egoic judgment comes in. We like to assume that we all fit into our current stream of life and areall moving towards the same ultimate goal. 

This can’t be further from the truth (there's that word again)! The concept of commonality ignores the expansive nature of the universe with all of its delicious options for exploration!

We also like to think that our diminutive personalities have the ultimate say. But they don't. Our personalities are likeworker bees or drones that follow a fitted, unconscioustruth that ensures they fulfil their purpose. 

So,what about you?

What are you?

Truth is the totality of what youhave become as a human being, your stance in evolution mirroring your placement within the realms of universal truth. Are there realms that have no need of the idea of truth (as a focus point)? Of course.

Because the need for truth only exists where there are untruths, deceptions, or lies. 

And beyond that?

It is again subjective. However, seeking beyond the need for truth is the guiding force that takes the cosmic adventurer for the ride of their life. If they believe that the universe has an end . . . truth will help them to discover that end. If they believe in the world's end, they will discover it by going through it. 

You experience your truth just the way you like it!

Humans are moved by their own truth. No matter the consequences and roads, at the end of the day, your truth moves you. And as a natural consequence of this truth, human choices and actions create opposition. 

It is called the fight or argument for truth, and nobody wins, for each is motivated by a different truth. 

Some will say yes . . . some will say no. Neither is wrong. They just follow a different truth.

Truth takes us on an adventure, whether it is for us to fall off a cliff for the experience of falling, or for us to stop at the cliff's edge for the experience of stopping. 

Truth arguments merely cause words to bounce off each other.

It is nonsensical!

They are subjective and deeply personal and only have value when you come to recognize that you may want to experience falling. Then you change your idea of what truth is. 

Neither is bad or good, right or wrong. There are no judgments when it comes to real truth.

The only time a personal truth becomes a weapon, is when one truth is compared to another. 

And what happens with comparison?

One wins or one loses, one is better than and one is worse than, more able or less able, quicker or slower, and the list is interminable.

Nobody wins!

When you make choices from a personal stance of fear (for example) you experience truth differently than when choices are made from a personal stance of joy. The words, facial features, body stance and energy you exude will seem like two different languages because they come from two distinctly different mindsets. 

You choose your truth from the playground that you wish to experience; you are trained to play in that playground from birth and you take it very personally. You stake your life on your truth and are willing to forfeit friends, family, and new experiences in defense of it.

Truth does not need defending. 

It was, it is, and always will be.

Even if a culture moves away from their playground of truth, abandoning it to the shadows of history, it is still a playground for future generations or cultures should they desire to experience it for themselves. 

All evolution is dependent upon those who, in their quest for a different or higher truth, unwittingly stumble upon a new playground of experience.  Whether inhabited or now abandonedbya previous civilisation, the new playgroundoffers new perspectives and new experiences. If you are fortunate enough to have this opportunity, you may surprise and delight yourself by choosinga new truth, leaving behind those playgrounds and truths you have outgrown to enter and embrace the new truths of a multi-dimensional playground of intricate experiences. 

So I ask, “In what direction are your heading?” 

Your answer?

Determines the shoes that you will step into, the ones that will go the distance.

You are your truth, and the playground you inhabit is the living resonance of that truth.


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