Move That Mountain

Move that Mountain

You may wonder how 'moving a mountain' is an opportune time to surrender?
But moving a mountain is not as hard to do as you may think, given a little perspective, a smidgen of knowledge and a dash of understanding. 
Change is all about surrender . . .
Whilst our physical body fights ferociously to find peace and rest, our heart fortifies and hopes for joy and wonder - our mind holds the sword and swings the battle axe and declares war!
And when the mind goes to war - all engines fire, all cogs turn, all mechanisms grind and the chemicals rush to carry the messages. War does not have to be bloody and dirty, nor does it have to be fought on foreign soil . . .
War can be fought in our own homes and in our own bodies . . . in our own minds!

The mountain . . .

The war is within you. The battle is within you. The surrender lies within you.

Change is the ability to recognise when the battle is over, not lost, and the war a waste of energy and effort at a price that can never be paid and a cost that can never be counted.
In the balance?
Our future . . . that is what the war of the mind is all about. We think it is about money, clothes, image, love, sex, things, jobs, pets, food, drinks, drugs, land, people, politics, religions and the list goes on and on.
When we surrender the battle and refuse to go to war within our own minds, we cause a junction of futures to appear. Futures that never existed whilst the battle raged. Warriors can walk right past a stream littered with gold nuggets, and because they are so focused on the next battle, they miss the opportunity in front of them for a bright and prosperous future. 
New futures open up when the mind is at peace, the body is relaxed and the heart is open.
So surrender,
Give peace a chance,
Allow the mountain to be moved,
For it only appeared when you brought an obstacle into your own mind.
The Mountain of itself, did not need to be there,
You needed it to be there.
For you wanted to win a battle at any cost!

Change involves surrender!


  1. I love the simplicity of this and it is landing at just the right time for me so thank you.

  2. It seems like reality is going thru a huge push, increasing the amounts of distractions and demands for attention. At the same time, I also feel a great injunction to break through. This helps me focus that the path is found in the silence.


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