
Showing posts from December, 2017

New Year In The Balance

31/12/2017 WITH COSMIC BINOCULARS Fear of the future is like a rustle in the long grass ahead of us . . . Each new year, you are asked to approach it with an expectation of joy and wonderment. What you are not told, is how to release and let go of the wagon filled with guns, ammunition, bombs, machetes and bullets. Lets add to that some tranquilisers, sleeping pills, a handful of laxatives and three boxes of pain killers for just in case . . . that you are pulling behind you. When you reach that precipice of one year and look across to the precipice of the new year, with the swing bridge between, which extends over the canyon of good fortune , you stop to calculate the distance, the effort, your willingness and whether the bridge can bear the load. You cannot help but factor in the wagon that you have pulled for so long and over so many miles. It contains everything that you know, that you have been through, the memories and what you are familiar with and you are lo...

Kicked out of Heaven

28/12/2017 PLAYING A DIFFERENT TUNE Heaven is like a beautiful home that is adorned with golden candlesticks, beautiful furniture, rich and colourful rugs, crystal glasses and chandeliers. Now imagine that in this lifetime that you have received an invitation to go home to a feast that awaits you and you feel really honoured and your cells start tingling all over . . . Now, you have read the invitation but have forgotten to read the fine print at the bottom of the gold-leafed invitation. It states that in order for you to enter through the door to rooms of heaven, you need to take off your muddy boots. In your excitement, you clean up and pick your favourite dress or suit and you do your hair with all the styles and gels that you can muster. You place any jewellery that you have on your fingers, toes, neck, ears and wrists and anywhere else that you think heaven would want to notice. You pick your favourite shoes and they match your clothes and you feel ready to...

Hit The Snooze Button

26/12/2017 HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF BED? Lets pretend that all of the saboteurs are not a part of your life ie: - Binge Drinking - Binge Drugging - Binge Sexing - Binge Partying - Binge Stressing  Humans are gifted with the most incredible ability to direct their reality, yet fail to execute this ability for many reasons. Beliefs, ignorance, apathy, lack of knowledge, tiredness, coping mechanisms, emotional shame are only a handful of some of the reasons, but they all come down to understanding. The worst ' so-called ' sin or indiscretion, can be seen through a different lens . . . . . . a more compassionate one! How do you get out of bed? The first thing that I would do, is to go to bed with the right attitude - Why?   Your intention to have a great night's sleep and awaken fresh and vibrant in the morning has an accumulative effect and done over time, balances the body system in ways that you cannot imagine.  But with the saboteurs, this i...

Silence Speaks Volumes

25/12/2017 IF YOU THINK - YOU STINK . . . . . . or so a Tibetan teacher would say. Silence is the nature of the master commander, Silence is the calming of the waters and the first footstep on them, Silence is the pause before you speak, where volumes can appear  and teach you to tread lightly. Silence ushers in the wisdom of stillness and knows that not all words create, SIlence knows that many words destroy . . . Silence allows the adjustment that we need to respond impeccably, And Silence is in itself a powerful force. Silence is our best friend and saves us from verbal entrapment, Silence knows, Silence knows that if we had nothing of value to say,  then we should  perhaps  not speak  for twenty years. Silence carries our dreams and holds them close where none may find them, Silence protects and disarms those bent on chatter and idle gossip, Silence knows that change is imminent, And one invites the other. ...

The Dance Of A Lifetime

24/12/2017 iMAGINE ALL THE DYNAMICS Herein lies the tale of all the ages - Relationships are a large part of change and whilst we are going back and forth and getting stuck in ' she did it ' and ' he did it ', the relationship goes on and long after it has ended, it still goes on -  except that it will have picked up a few extra f-words in the mix.  There is always a trinity in any relationship and it is like a cosmic dance. There is YOU There is ME and then there is the  SPACE BETWEEN YOU AND ME. This space between us may not have a body, and it may not have five senses but it does have awareness and seeks to evolve and grow.  It is reliant on the input from both YOU and ME and survives on what we feed it. If we replenish it with  - nutritious minerals such as: love, patience and forgiveness, - delicious snacks such as: listening, communication and gratitude  - delightful treats such as: trust, perseverance and honesty ...

What Is Wrong With me?

What Is Wrong With Me? I am amazed at the amount of times that I am asked by people, ' what is wrong with me ?' Almost every time, I want to answer, ' nothing !' On the odd occasion, I feel tempted to reply, ' everything ' - but that is for another topic! You are relentless with yourselves and you refuse to let go of the pains, the hardships, the agonies, the self-flagellation and the reasons why you are so bad and not good enough. If every human, who is drawn towards an inward search for purpose or spiritual growth, is handed a red rose with a stem of thorns, it is guaranteed that most will grab the rose and allow it to dig its thorns into their flesh. . . . why? They feel that there must be compensation, punishment, payment or sacrifice for every piece of heaven that they ask for. Those that realise that the rose can be placed in a vase and seen but not touched, know that beauty can be experienced without pain and suffering. It is the...

Sole To Soul - Day 12

22/12/2017 SOLE TO SOUL "As the road upon which we walk is done through the soles of our feet, so the fields that we dance in, is done by our heart and soul."   In this reality we are always two - a Spirit and a Soul and as our Spirit guides us in the right direction, taking roads less travelled and putting the right foot forward, so does our Soul enchant us about our heritage and destiny. The Soul is the garment that your Spirit wears in order to  experience 'Life!"   Imagine if you may, that the soles of your feet are planted on earth and they have been given the directive to explore each and every highway, byway and path that exists. Now, imagine that your Soul is right near your own heart and its destiny is to  fufill a really extraordinary task. It is not concerned about the road, it is interested in how you journey. It is not concerned about who you travel with but how you interact. It is not concerned about the crossroads or your ch...

Mirror Mirror Everywhere

 21/12/2017 THE MIRRORS OF OUR SELF-REFLECTION Change can bring out the most amazing qualities in a person and equally, the most disturbing, but nothing compares to our daily mirrors! How many people wake up in the morning and as they glare at themselves in the mirror, they mentally micro-manage each and every adjustment they would make, if they had a magic wand? . . .  most and a few who deny it! Change is about taking a good hard look into the mirror and seeing what is actually there! Do you not think it strange that you see a wrinkled, tired, hungover and pale image staring back, yet when you walk out of the bathroom, the first person you see pays you a compliment and says something like, ' you are looking amazing!'   The dichotomy of who is being dishonest  - But this is not about the looking glass in the bathroom. I would be remiss if I did not caution you about my following words . . . they may prompt a change in you! The mirror...

The Blanket Of Fear

20/12/2017 ASLEEP AND NOWHERE TO GO . . . What if it were really simple? Change I mean . . . What if all we had to do, was to awaken from a long sleep? A sleep, where we covered ourselves with a blanket of fear . . . What would life be like if we removed that blanket that has paralysed us and draped our senses with intolerable longing? What if we could throw back the covers and discover that there is another world for us to enjoy and experience? What if we could disentangle ourselves from the sheets of despair, desperation, depression and disaster? What if we have been tucked in so tight, that often we cannot breathe, cannot move and certainly cannot even free ourselves? What if we don't need a light on to dispel the darkness . . . or the monsters . . . because we no longer believe in them? What if we wake up and it is daytime and there is no darkness . . . . . . no darkness ever again? What if waking up were in our hands and all we needed wa...

Why We Kneel

19/12/2017 KNEELING IS NOT RELIGIOUS . . . Kneeling is human . . . When circumstances give you more than you can stand . . . it is time to kneel. There are two grand mysteries wrapped up in the art of kneeling . . . and it is an art! The first mystery is the kneeling itself and it is the time to relinquish everything and surrender all the burdens that cause the back to bend, the knees to buckle and the heart to strain. Bringing the knees to the ground, connects the heart to the earth. The second mystery is the holding of the hands in prayer and it is time to close off all earthly concerns and open a circuit between the heart, the intuition and the divine.  Religious folk do this, yogi's do this and many other believers do this - It is a natural state of being human, to seek a place of solace, a sacred sanctum or sanctuary, to withdraw from the maddening crowd and find the voice that speaks from within - In the position of prayer as described above, you ...

I know That You Are Weary

I KnowThat You Are Weary It is time . . ! To put down that cross . . .  for it is no longer your burden to bear, To release those memories . . .  for they have taken enough from you, To relinquish the pain . . .  for it has never served you and never will, To let go of what you ' should have' . . .  and embrace what you can, To say goodbye to mistakes . . .  for they are blessings seen from above, To reject the voices which undermine you . . .  for they know not who you are, To lay down the garments of sorrow . . .  for they are not worthy of you, To surrender the doubt and hesitation . . .  for they come from the dark shadows, To escape the regrets of a lifetime . . . for you never saw them for what they truly were, To discharge those tiny grievances . . .  for they take up precious moments in time, To capitulate all your worries and concerns . . . for they bind you to a future that is unc...

Mega Perceptions

17/12/2017 MEGA PERCEPTIONS ARE A KEY TO CHANGE! We all have our own point of view - yes? And our point of view is always right - yes? So much so, that we will fight with a loved one, walk out of a job, dump a best friend, make a bad decision and throw the baby out with the bathwater . . . and all because we are right . . . Or so we think. Perceptions colour our ability to relate to any given situation and experience and they are deeply personal and we will always stake our lives on them. At the scene of a crime, it is common knowledge that when eyewitness statements are taken, the amount of variation in details can be vast and some completely opposite to others.  A suspect can be seen running away, whilst another declares that they got into a vehicle and yet another swears that the suspect was limping. Perception . . . So where do we place ourselves regarding truth . . . is truth not a perception too? This begs the question then, 'is not every perception a ...

Pregnant With Ideas

15/12/2017 PREGNANT WITH IDEAS As it is a time for birthing . . .  It is also a time to become engaged thoughtfully with ideas for the future and the new year! We don't want to wait until the new year before we begin to let this year go. Our intentions and desires travel ahead of us and begin to germinate way into the future in preparation for our arrival.  With dreams and desires, wishes and wants carefully seeded into the new year, we can enjoy the tail end of this current year as it draws to a close. If you wait until next year before you even begin setting intentions, you will have to wait for a different future, further on into January or even in the early half of the year, There are such things as windows of opportunity and they come cyclically - some have ebbs and flows and some have abundance and scarcity and, forward thought helps us to negotiate these cycles elegantly. Before you bring this year to a close, - How do you want to begin next year? - ...