Pregnant With Ideas



As it is a time for birthing . . . 
It is also a time to become engaged thoughtfully with ideas for the future and the new year! We don't want to wait until the new year before we begin to let this year go. Our intentions and desires travel ahead of us and begin to germinate way into the future in preparation for our arrival. 
With dreams and desires, wishes and wants carefully seeded into the new year, we can enjoy the tail end of this current year as it draws to a close. If you wait until next year before you even begin setting intentions, you will have to wait for a different future, further on into January or even in the early half of the year,
There are such things as windows of opportunity and they come cyclically - some have ebbs and flows and some have abundance and scarcity and, forward thought helps us to negotiate these cycles elegantly.
Before you bring this year to a close,
- How do you want to begin next year?
- What do you want to unfold next year?
- Who are you next year?
If you are not consciously changing as you go along, you are at threat of being stuck and simply ageing like the rest of humanity. Youth is an attitude and there has to be that spark of vibrancy for ALL the days of your life. It does not come to you only through genetics or a privileged life, it comes mainly through your attitude and environment! 
So, let next year be a year of attitudinal adjustment and longevity, environmental change and light-heartedness!

- Jaylee Balch -


  1. Amen! And wonder, joy, laughter, success, adventure, empowerment and so much more!

  2. No better time than the present!


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