Why We Kneel



Kneeling is human . . .
When circumstances give you more than you can stand . . . it is time to kneel.
There are two grand mysteries wrapped up in the art of kneeling
. . . and it is an art!
The first mystery is the kneeling itself and it is the time to relinquish everything and surrender all the burdens that cause the back to bend, the knees to buckle and the heart to strain. Bringing the knees to the ground, connects the heart to the earth.

The second mystery is the holding of the hands in prayer and it is time to close off all earthly concerns and open a circuit between the heart, the intuition and the divine. 
Religious folk do this, yogi's do this and many other believers do this -
It is a natural state of being human, to seek a place of solace, a sacred sanctum or sanctuary, to withdraw from the maddening crowd and find the voice that speaks from within -
In the position of prayer as described above, you are a temple . . . a church . . . a mosque . . . a sanctuary - complete and with everything that is required.
Your body is the temple itself, made from very physical materials. 
Your kneeling is the entry into the sacred place, relinquishing the outer world.
The setting aside of the Achilles Heel or your personal human weaknesses.
The rug can longer be pulled out from under your feet.
You are no longer trying to put your best foot forward erroneously.
You can release your stubborn independence by standing on your own two feet.
You are incapable of standing on another's toes.
You are unable to toe the line of societal demands.

Willing to serve the divine hand and foot . . . is prayer.
When you don't have a leg to stand on . . . is prayer.

The hands clasped together is your commitment of a divine intent.
The closing of the eyes, is the final act of withdrawal and the spiritual eye is cast inwards and upwards to meet the divine Itself.
In this place, you have no need of the spoken word, as the clasped hands give the divine full access to your heart and what troubles it.
But to kneel is human, so speaking your troubles is what we do as humans.
As standing is an attitude, so kneeling is an attitude and change is brought about by an attitude which is willing to kneel.
It sets aside your own ideas of the paths to take, the roads to travel and the crossroads of decision. 
- Kneeling . . . Savasana . . . Meditation . . . Prayer . . . Prostrated -

To kneel is to invite change.

- Jaylee Balch -


  1. Wow. This is something I've never given much contemplation to before now.

  2. I love this understanding. Thank you!

  3. This is how we kneel... to move mountains! I love the minimalistic design of the your strawoman

  4. So simple...and yet so powerful! Thanks for sharing the depth of this attitude, which I've never contemplated, but have wondered why it always feels so deeply peaceful


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