Mirror Mirror Everywhere



Change can bring out the most amazing qualities in a person and equally, the most disturbing, but nothing compares to our daily mirrors!
How many people wake up in the morning and as they glare at themselves in the mirror, they mentally micro-manage each and every adjustment they would make, if they had a magic wand?
. . .  most and a few who deny it!
Change is about taking a good hard look into the mirror and seeing what is actually there! Do you not think it strange that you see a wrinkled, tired, hungover and pale image staring back, yet when you walk out of the bathroom, the first person you see pays you a compliment and says something like, 'you are looking amazing!'
The dichotomy of who is being dishonest -

But this is not about the looking glass in the bathroom. I would be remiss if I did not caution you about my following words . . . they may prompt a change in you!

The mirror of self-reflection does not hang forlornly on the bathroom wall above the basin - it is more encompassing than that. It surrounds you in every single person who you come in contact with - know - can't stand - care about - don't care about and happen to bump into. 
This mirror is the Awakening Mirror and what good would a dialogue on change be, if I did not give you the first step on 'how to throw back the blanket of fear and get out of bed?'
 - (see Day 10 blog) Contemplate the fact that every single person you have known, still know (fortunately or unfortunately) and will come to know, is tied up in this Awakening Mirror. 

But how does it work? - you ask, as you think about the person eating a disgusting pie across from you on the bus or the rapist in the morning news.

It is simple . . . as simple as waking up from a deep sleep can be.

Imagine nine people, and feel free to compile a list mentally or literally, who you have known from the sum total of your life to date. Three of these are associated to you in your past, three are current and three you do not know yet and therefore cannot include them. They are important but enter at a later place further on.

The first three from your past must include the following -
1) someone you care for
2) someone you can live without
3) someone who moves you or has an extraordinary quality

The second three from your present must include the following -
1) someone who rubs you up the wrong way
2) someone you can't live without
3) someone who has your respect

These six people ALL have a gift for you! The gift is one of two things that you need to acknowledge in your mirror and this can only be done truthfully and thoughtfully.
The first is that they have a quality that is yours to own about yourself, especially if you admire them, respect them or love them. The second is that they have a quality that you do not like about yourself and on a more serious note, have totally disowned about yourself or have judged. 
It always feels better to judge another person than yourself and this comes from denial . . . and of course being asleep.
To paint a picture, the person that you like and are in harmony with, sits at the other end of a balancing stick, suspended on a tight rope. Your relationship with them is fine balance and it is working and no one is falling.
The person that you had or have issues with, is at the other end of a seesaw and one is up in the air and the other one is down on the ground and the ride is going nowhere.

 The mirror of self reflection can be really hard to look at, because while some do not want to admit the parts that they have judged, others find it extremely difficult to admit the beautiful qualities about themselves. 
Some people surround themselves with wonderful people, but fail to acknowledge what these wonderful mirrors are saying something to them about themselves.
Other people are surrounded by awful and judgemental people, who are difficult to be around and they wonder 'why me?'

Now we get to the three people who you have not met and do not know yet . . . the three mirrors from your future.

These three will be exactly what you need, to show you what qualities you need to know about yourself, admit, own and accept AND if you have not really looked into any of the mirrors above, in your past and present, then they will repeat themselves.

They will have a different face but they will show you the same reflection!

Everyone reading this can acknowledge, that the same type of person can come around again in a lifetime and often several times . . .

So, step one in waking up on the road to change

"See in others what you wish to accept in yourself . . ."

- Jaylee Balch -

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  1. I have a question about this sentence:
    "who you have known from the sum total of your life to date"
    Are we to list people we've known all our lives? Or is it simply to look at our entire lives and choose from that?

    1. Look at your entire life and choose from them - of the course this is the basics, as you can list 20 if you are adventurous!! JB

  2. I have been practising seeing in other what I want to grow within myself, focusing on seeing the goodness in a another. Does seeing what I wish to accept mean focusing on the harsher aspects that I haven't yet accepted in myself?

  3. Brought tears to my eyes thinking about all the big-hearted, beautiful people in my life.... and still allowing fear to hold me back! Thank you for the reminder X

  4. My Future 3 will be beyond words!!!!


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