
Showing posts from November, 2022

Our Perceptions of World Events

  And So Many Are Spectators! Here is where we expand our consciousness about learnt behavior. With respect to the created species (this does not apply to the biological animal), the sharks concept is a metaphor for a supreme human predator. Supreme predators have no equal within their own environment and see all others as rivals or food; they achieve this through vibrational signals that they pick up across unbelievable distances. In humans terms, they have cast a net over the planet through media, technology and algorhythms, to detect the slightest fluctuations in social conciousness. [Algorhythms . . . [AL GORE]-rhythms . . . sound familiar - makes you question doesn’t it?] In the ocean, one of the greatest threats to a shark is a dolphin. Metaphorically speaking, dolphins are powerful, protective of their families, empathic, telepathic and are known to help humans in trouble. And humanity is in trouble! Our world has delivered a shark frenzy right to our doors, and people are s...

What Is Really Taking Place Right Now

Its sobering . . . if it were correctly understood. Metaphors are great for describing or explaining a situation, without shining a spotlight directly on the listener or reader. A metaphor allows the reader, to consciously or subconsciously shine the light upon themselves . . . and in that way they have to take ownership for what they discover. That is the biggest hurdle in any world, on any planet, and under any conditions . . . that has to be jumped – being accountable. These are BIG words (ownership-responsibility-accountability) and they mean so many things to everyone, but this is typically the time in history when it means more than it usually does. The metaphor that I will use is the train station, and although I can easily write on topics that are grabbing the news every minute of the day globally, I will leave that to those whose mission it is to serve in that manner. Mine is not however, mine is to serve on a different frequency, using my own experiences, wisdom and abili...

How Do I Change The Way I Feel?

Love calls to us . . . . . .   through the avenues that we keep open, within our personal sphere of acceptance. It wishes to flow and surround us with the delicacies of wonder that it is entrusted with. It reaches to us and calms the storms, which have unsettled our sense of inner balance and equilibrium. It comforts us in the times that matter most. Laughter teaches us to forget the urgency of life, and look past the ferocity that we stand against. It unravels the intensity and teaches us not to take everything so personally. Laughter nourishes the soul with its ability to wash away the things that really don't matter. Light lives in us and just needs to be given the chance to grow. Nobody lives lightless . . . that is impossible . . . but given the chance, it has a natural urge to bring revelation, and to burst forth. It is the substance that everything is expressed through, and it must simply be dialed up - to be brighter. All three of these powers are free for all to gras...

Earth Versus the World

  Which one is having a melt down? So many stories! So many things to listen to with their associated dramas, threats, and fear leaving masses of human beings floundering in their wake! And why? The doomsday predictions and end of the world prophesies, the Armageddon and the apocalypse, are words wielded by tongues with an almost relished sense of “Bring it on so that we can get this over with, God!”  But what is really happening? For this to become a healthy perspective and one that could perhaps bring light and a little comfort to the soul, it is necessary to do one thing with the imagination . . . or with consciousness.  Separate them. Separate what you know of the world and the earth into two different boxes of ideas.  The Earth is a living, breathing entity whose power is beyond comprehension. Her lungs are the Amazon, and we cannot destroy her or bring her to her knees. Every single thought that suggests we can is sheer arrogance. At best, we can influence the...

Beneficiaries of the Future - Who?

  Those that allow the other layers to speak . . . Surface level information and knowledge tantalises the senses, and we employ life to make the tip of our iceberg look nice and pretty. We feel the warmth of the sun and the frost of the night, and we wrap layers and layers of information around us to deal with the icy blasts that come from the winds of change. The more we seem to have the better we feel, and when that is taken from us, we feel alone and naked upon an iceberg.  We look around and see as far as we possibly can in the mists of time, as the temperature of days and nights play havoc with our sense of placement . . . or mattering . . . within time and space. I always have to quell the urge to dive right under the surface and speak about the rest of the icebeg but instead, I have learnt the discipline of love and patience as my audience grows.  Teaching people to do a deep dive, is not about sky-diving and what is out there -  and we are all prone to seekin...

Day 90 - My Relationship Is Broken

  And I don't understand why! It can feel like a noose around the neck getting tighter and tighter, and if it is slow enough, we don't even realise that it is happening.  That is, until the hanged man comes to our door and drops the bomb on us. Carving a relationship to death, whittling it away with barbs of frustration, and poking holes into it to gauge out the things that don't satisfy us, happens. It happens all the time but the trick is to realise that this is the unchangeable aspect of relationships . . . it was not meant to be forever. Nothing about a relationship is ' meant to be ' forever - as a concept or an ideal - and the fact that we eventually drop our physical bodies is a testimony to that.  Bodies love each other Emotions tease each other Minds and thoughts play with each other Souls learn from each other And then what? So why do we have this ideal of ' happily ever after? ' We are taught that it is the mark of a great relationship and that l...

I Can Touch You Across Any Space

  Where limitation is impossible . . . Eyes don't succomb to the tyranny of distancing . . . they have the soul to thank for their sight. They look beyond the borders of our own indifference and then . . . they cross over. They reach into another person to find their soul, to hold hands and dance, to share and smile, and nothing can keep them apart. Agendas can limit the body and the number of hugs that we receive with arms and belly's, but they cannot stop the hugs and holding that our eyes give. Everywhere we look, we can grasp an opportunity to hug someone with our soul, and if they can receive it . . . they will look our way and return it.  I can touch you across space and time. I can speak to your inner sanctuary where you have placed your soul for safe keeping, for the deserts in the world and the fires, seek to burn and char. You can speak to my inner sanctuary, where I await your touch . . . loving and learning.  I take the time to still my outer world and bring i...

A Tsunami of Consciousness

  As a wave of looming proportions hits . . . the outer perimetre of our minds   and cascades into our everyday lives, we face an onslaught of information. Like every big wave that hits us when we carefully swim out to face them, we brace and then either dive under them, or get tumbled by them. This is not that kind of wave. This kind of wave . . . you don't got looking for, and you certainly do not swim out to greet it. Instead, you climb as high as you can to escape its reach, and you barely have time to extend a hand to someone else, before its too late. It is that kind of wave. It is a wave of consciousness and it is difficult to define or express into words. It hits the physical body first and everything that you can think of in terms of physicality, in all its forms and expressions, is targeted, pulled, pressed, punched and knocked around. It hits the emotional body even harder, as you fight your emotions that are all happening at once, and the rage inside you threa...