What Is Really Taking Place Right Now
Its sobering . . . if it were correctly understood.
Metaphors are
great for describing or explaining a situation, without shining a spotlight
directly on the listener or reader. A metaphor allows the reader, to
consciously or subconsciously shine the light upon themselves . . . and in that
way they have to take ownership for what they discover. That is the
biggest hurdle in any world, on any planet, and under any conditions . . . that
has to be jumped – being accountable.
These are BIG words (ownership-responsibility-accountability) and they mean so many things to everyone, but
this is typically the time in history when it means more than it usually does.
The metaphor that I will use is the train station, and although I can easily
write on topics that are grabbing the news every minute of the day globally, I
will leave that to those whose mission it is to serve in that manner. Mine is
not however, mine is to serve on a different frequency, using my own experiences, wisdom and abilities. These guardians or world servers, who are helping
to usher in the a new way of living, are serving on all the frequencies of
light, and holding the frequencies open for all who wish to move up into
another band of light.
The ways to
upgrade your consciousness is totally open for the time being . . . but not
forever! Now to the metaphor of the train station –
Lines or
tracks lead into these railway stations and then out again and once they leave
the station, they separate and eventually lose sight of one another. Whilst
they are in the station, they can be parked for a short while, or they can
change tracks and follow a different route.
Our world can
be compared to a train station right now and it will continue to be there into
the near future. Humanity has arrived at the station! Each and every individual
is choosing or taking responsibility for the train they climb aboard, and the
track that they are going to continue life upon. These stations are cosmic
stations, which mean that cosmic events and alignments reaching far beyond human
or species agendas, are determining when the train station comes into view.
The stars have
aligned and we are there at that station!
Here is what
is really taking place . . .
. . . you are
choosing by actually choosing or you
are choosing by not choosing. Either
way, a train on a track will be your destiny and it will bring your future to
you through time. I said that accountability and responsibility mean more than
usual right now, and I will not digress from that.
If we put our
head in the sand like an ostrich, the result will be a certain train on a
specific track, for all the ostriches. There is an ostrich train you know! This
specific train will take all those that do not want to know anything, who desire
to be ignorant of their choices, and are not willing to face their past so that
they can choose a different future, to a pre-determined destiny.
These train
stations in consciousness, allow us to change tracks and to choose a different
destiny or future. No track heads in the same direction as any other track,
they only seem to be gathered in the same spot altogether – but they all have a
different destination.
guardians or servers – those that actually work consciously with energy and the
fulfillment of destiny – are the conductors that show people to their own chosen trains.
They are very different to tour leaders who try to gather as many as possible
to take a trip with them, to a destiny that they share. Tour leaders tyically have an incentive to recruit as many as possible. Conductors and tour
leaders are not the same thing. Learn to recognize those that are trying to
gather a following and those that are showing you to the better trains, with
better destinies.
You have to be
smart when you reach a cosmic train station because the destinations are not
all mapped and in the open for all to see. There are trains that are invisible,
and walking through walls may be the only way in which a ticket can be
purchased. Walking through walls is a metaphor
for a certain level of consciousness that is awakened in someone. It is not
magic! It is a choice and then it is living purposefully, until that resonance
or frequency, changes you to the point that you can buy that invisible ticket.
Trains going
to a nice neat pleasant land of candy and controlled perfection are there for
you to choose. Trains heading to wild and free landscapes, with communities and
fresh food are there for you to choose. Trains for those just wishing to be
immersed in love and light are available. Trains going to other versions of
earth are there for you to choose. Trains heading for other dimensions are
available in the invisible ticketing booth. There is even a train headed for
heaven, and one for the cosmic sorting station where they will participate in
their own life review (reserved for those
who passed on but never chose consciously).
There are so
many to choose from.
this is the key – the world and its upheavals, threats and announcements,
plays and games are nothing but the posters for a ‘Recruitment Day.’
There are many false prophets at this moment in time, who are trying to capture your attention and
coerce you through emotional manipulation and blackmail, taking charge of your destiny . . . getting you to follow them, and getting
you to the point that you choose a specific train.
There is
nothing like good publicity to fool someone into believing that they are headed
for paradise when the reality is the opposite. There is no judgment against the
trains and their destinations, nor is there any towards the tour leaders or
poster boys, shouting and waving their papers or bills.
All these
trains and tracks have a right to be at the station, it does not matter who owns
them and where they are headed, what matters is that you take responsibility
for your own destination. Stand by your decisions (in a decent metaphoric fashion) and look down the track. Follow
your standpoint and see into your future to where the outcomes of your choices
What do you
Look at the
predicted destination.
Now – ask yourself
what do you want? If it is freedom, then a few of those tracks may not be good
choices. If it comfort and not wanting to think for yourself – you wish to be
told what to do – then there are few tracks available. If it is indeed your sovereignty,
then find those tracks and buy that ticket. If it is one of the invisible
trains, then lift up your consciousness, decide to feel happy and grateful, and
hold that state no matter what.
There comes a
moment when the tracks will no longer be switched, and the trains will all head
out, and there is no going back to the station because of regret. Some have
already left the station, and are well on their way to their destination, and
they are no longer an option.
Some trains
have been derailed.
And remember .
. . many of you are taking your families with you, and what destination would
you wish for them? Some of you are climbing aboard different trains to family
members and friends, and although the company may feel foreign . . . you are
not alone.
This is what
is really taking place.
It is up to
you now.
[Photo by Jeffrey Czum: https://www.pexels.com/photo/time-lapse-photography-of-person-standing-near-train-2120010/]
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