Earth Versus the World


Which one is having a melt down?

So many stories!

So many things to listen to with their associated dramas, threats, and fear leaving masses of human beings floundering in their wake! And why?

The doomsday predictions and end of the world prophesies, the Armageddon and the apocalypse, are words wielded by tongues with an almost relished sense of “Bring it on so that we can get this over with, God!” 

But what is really happening?

For this to become a healthy perspective and one that could perhaps bring light and a little comfort to the soul, it is necessary to do one thing with the imagination . . . or with consciousness. 

Separate them.

Separate what you know of the world and the earth into two different boxes of ideas. 

The Earth is a living, breathing entity whose power is beyond comprehension. Her lungs are the Amazon, and we cannot destroy her or bring her to her knees. Every single thought that suggests we can is sheer arrogance. At best, we can influence the garment she wears by allowing it to be wrecked by our foolish greed. At worst, she throws us off or shakes her form, and she begins again. If we destroy her lungs . . . we don't breathe!

We cannot destroy or deplete her blood, the oil in her earthly veins. She replenishes this as she pleases, even if we give her a phlebotomy to drain it out of her. We cannot destroy the life forms that enrich her nature, for she just brings forward new ones, and every day we discover new species we had no idea existed. Our Earth has a spirit too – just like us – and it continually communicates vast quantities of messages to us, if only we would listen with our Spirit to what she says. 

She knows everything!

She laughs at us when her erupting volcano sends more ash and chemicals into the air than we can create from all of our global emissions. 

She is in control. 

Now, the world is an entirely different story altogether! It is in a managed free fall, and free falls get ugly. Let’s look at 'ugly' for one moment and try to understand it. If we comprehend what we are up against, perhaps we might feel we can control our inner environment with a little more positivity – yes?? 

A planet is a celestial body wrought by a higher Source/Creator that runs according to natural cosmic rhythms. A world is a thoughtform created to host a species upon the planet's surface. This thoughtform allows evolution to take place and is based upon certain premises. It must take into consideration the good of the species, its welfare and prosperity, and the opportunities given to all who might aspire to them. It is a common acceptance that the species will work cooperatively towards its shared advancement and evolution. This thoughtform weaves its way through every single thought, industry, creation, idea, action, plan, decision, choice, attitude, belief structure, and emotion by learning from the past, embracing the present, and planning for the future.

Got it?

When a world thoughtform is threaded with hidden agendas, ill-conceived functions, innocuous plans, greed, manipulation, tyranny, abuse, theft, genocide, abduction, war-mongering, betrayal, avarice, imitators, and emulators (the list is endless) - what happens to the ideas that it promotes?

They become completely compromised.

The planet does not need the world’s thoughtform and structures created on her surface, but to exist, the world thoughtform does need the planet. It is dependent upon her for the history that allows it to survive upon her surface.

 When a world becomes so corrupt that only a few live in peace, safety, security, and with equal opportunities and basic rights, in the spirit of evolution, the thoughtform has to either decay or burst.

At first, smaller bubbles burst and are regulated to maximise the agendas of the thoughtforms, but gradually awareness overcomes ignorance as the compromised threads within every single unit of space and time within this world are exposed . . . or brought into the light. 

Medicine, Drugs, Sexuality, Food, Children, Slavery, Weather, Law, Government, Schooling, Land Ownership, Militaries, National Boundaries, Money, Banking, Computers, Voting, Livestock, Monopolies, Families, Television, News, Thrones, Bloodlines, Inventions, Universities, Investments, Insurance, Water, Production, Marriage, Contracts, Other Species, Wealth, Programs, Charities, Businesses, Departments, Finances, Banking Institutions, Film, Music, Science, Biology, Space, Birth, Death . . . ad infinitum into ad nauseum!

The more that is invested by those caught up in the thoughtforms, the more that is lost when it bursts. The entire thoughtform of this world disintegrates.

The world’s corruption erodes, depletes, and drains the species, leaving it with structure no stronger than that of a house of cards. The issue is that over thousands of years, the species becomes used to the rules, bills, social laws, conditions, governance, and norms woven into its innocuous agendas. Without knowing it, many find out the hard way and fall from grace or find themselves compromised. Some are simply removed.

And then what?

A new world experience must be re-established, with a wiser thoughtform. But who dreams these new thoughtforms so that a better world can be achieved?

Probably not the original keepers of that old thoughtform . . . not the ones who continue to try to direct it, who have not realised that the game is up. Most likely not those who profited from the insidious agendas, or those who stood idle and watched it happen.

Definitely not those who are trying to steer the species back to the old road again. And surely not those who still remain at the helm after all that has been brought into the light?

In the battle of Earth versus the World, Earth wins.

Our agendas mark the passage of time, but not so the planet. She has seen a myriad of civilisations come and go, and those that were held by a balanced mindset that promoted a healthy path towards evolution, these lasted the longest.

She knows the scars of the souls who have travelled through lifetimes within her bubble, never knowing if they would be born into the right family or not. So, for a new world to come about, the old must fade and the new come in, for ‘the old wine skin is no longer viable’. A new wine, mixed with some wisdom extracted from the old wine, is poured into a new thoughtform, and the new custodians born with a new dream for humanity . . . become the new world’s sentinels.

When the world (thoughtform) and the earth (planet) are shoved into the same vibration, there is a catastrophic result. The earth becomes so weak, lacking in sovereign power, that she buckles to the tyranny of the tiny species upon her surface, and only a world agenda can save her

Sound familiar?

 The same world that has made our species believe we are so much more powerful than she . . . a planetary being . . . weighing in amongst the giants in the cosmos! This planet revolves around the sun, and our world revolves around hidden agendas. Do the math!.

The blinders are falling away from millions of eyes. Her inhabitants don't believe the World anymore. They are beginning to see her, to feel her, to know her . . . and she is much more powerful than her old scars make her seem.

Yes, things are breaking down; there is a collapse and loss of world thoughtforms. But its dissolution is making way for the evolution of something much better. Our Earth’s Spirit is strong. Even so, she needs you to trust her and become accustomed to the rhythm of her cycles, to listen to and merge her spirit with your own.

If any of us were to travel through space to the next solar system, leaving time in our wake, who would you journey with? 

This planet knows how to transition to a new destiny, and she is not waiting for anyone. 

[Photo by Porapak Apichodilok https://www.pexels.comphotoperson-holding-world-globe-facing-mountain-346885]


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