How Do I Change The Way I Feel?
Love calls to us . . .
. . . through the avenues that we keep open, within our personal sphere of acceptance. It wishes to flow and surround us with the delicacies of wonder that it is entrusted with. It reaches to us and calms the storms, which have unsettled our sense of inner balance and equilibrium. It comforts us in the times that matter most.
Laughter teaches us to forget the urgency of life, and look past
the ferocity that we stand against. It unravels the intensity and teaches us
not to take everything so personally. Laughter nourishes the soul with its
ability to wash away the things that really don't matter.
Light lives in us and just needs to be given the chance to grow.
Nobody lives lightless . . . that is impossible . . . but given the chance, it
has a natural urge to bring revelation, and to burst forth. It is the substance
that everything is expressed through, and it must simply be dialed up - to be
All three of these powers are free for all to grasp, allow, accept
and use.
If what you are focusing on has a dull light, then change your
focus or shift your degree of perspective slightly, to allow more light in.
If what you are holding within your heart is mellowed and broken,
then shift your attitude and look with compassion at the other person. Nobody
has the exact formula for love and everyone is trying to find it in whatever way
they can. Most issues stem from the need to be or feel loved. Be lovable!
If what you are lacking is laughter, then lighten up (grab some
light) and release your ideas about yourself and life. Laughter is like an
agent that dissolves glue, and it melts away all the heaviness that is clustered
around our living sphere.
Yes . . . there are those who place covers over their light and they feel
like darkness . . . but it is only a cover.
There are those that refuse love, but they are more frightened of the
power of love than love itself.
There are those that refrain from laughter, because they don’t want others to know where they have hidden their funny bone.
Love, laughter and light are complex when we are looking for them
in the wrong places, from the wrong people, and at the wrong time. All three
begin on the inside of each human being . . . and to realize them in a tangible
way; we have to acknowledge that they have value.
If we look for love in dark places, lost people, sad songs, and
abusive environments . . . we will not find it. The right environment is necessary and, an inner acceptance is crucial.
If we look for light in muddied waters, arrogant and dismissive
people, errant information, and convoluted platforms . . . we will not find it.
The environment must have a core of light, so that it can connect with the
light within us.
If we look for laughter in concreted thoughts, stern and serious
people, where a synergy is almost impossible, and ego is blatant . . . we will not
find it. The environment must be shareable, so that we can release the death
grip on our self image and be free.
Love, light and laughter liberate us from ourselves, our
prejudices and preconceived ideas.
[pexels-mantas-hesthaven-384498 Photo by Mantas Hesthaven- photowoman-jumping-under-blue-sky-384498]
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