Beneficiaries of the Future - Who?


Those that allow the other layers to speak . . .

Surface level information and knowledge tantalises the senses, and we employ life to make the tip of our iceberg look nice and pretty. We feel the warmth of the sun and the frost of the night, and we wrap layers and layers of information around us to deal with the icy blasts that come from the winds of change. The more we seem to have the better we feel, and when that is taken from us, we feel alone and naked upon an iceberg. 

We look around and see as far as we possibly can in the mists of time, as the temperature of days and nights play havoc with our sense of placement . . . or mattering . . . within time and space. I always have to quell the urge to dive right under the surface and speak about the rest of the icebeg but instead, I have learnt the discipline of love and patience as my audience grows. 

Teaching people to do a deep dive, is not about sky-diving and what is out there - and we are all prone to seeking information about the stars and heavens first - while standing on an iceberg. It is about learning to be grounded and discover the deeper layers of the self first, and by doing so at the same time, expanding our branches and reaching towards the heavens. The delusional think that some distant star wishes to embrace them before they have learnt who they are first. You have to become someone who can reach the stars before you can experience it in reality. 

We are anchored by a colossal weight just beneath the surface, which we occasionally spot on a cloudless day, but for the love of entertainment, distraction and worry . . . we do not go anywhere near the water. And for most, they will spend the rest of their lives star gazing and dreaming of imaginary heavens of possibility. 

'We must go down to rise up.'

The other layers of self are beneath the surface and hard to distinguish, as they lie frozen in time and space, from bygone eras. Frozen within the ice beneath the surface, is a vast treasure of memories, experiences, beliefs and reminiscence. If a space man were to come down and throw anyone a line, they would have to pick up the entire iceberg, for no one cannot be separated from themselves

Scratching beneath the surface happens in a number of ways: There is an itch that cannot be soothed within the deepest part of the self, or there is a breaking down of the tip of the icerberg in some way or form, or there is a curiosity for what you might be. It means that you have learn to swim with sharks and learn to find out who is a dolphin and who is not. You will have to learn to hold your breath - a metaphor for patience and trust - yet on the surface you are taught never to hold your breath . . . never to have hope or believe. 

You are taught to find the source of your own light, and with that, begin to melt your iceberg. Fire is the element that purifies and transmutes all the frozen aspects of the subconscious self, and liberates them once and for all. You have to learn how to swim!

Swimming is the metaphor for living in this world . . . whilst you are boiling the water to melt your own iceblock . . . and utilizing the buoyancy in your heart, to feel that you have some control of the tides. There may be distant suns that call to you, but anchored in this world, they remain only a dream. 

I once heard from a speaker about the bubbles that are trapped under water, and how their natural movement is to ascend to the surface. I observed that they naturally move up towards their liberation and there, they can join back into their greater sense of self - the air above the water once again. Life on earth is now about the metaphoric melting of the glaciers and icebanks . . . and the tips of the icebergs are melting, and every one has to learn how to swim or sink. Those that have created homes upon the ice are learning just how many sharks are actually in the water.

Some are vigorously building life rafts and digging tunnels into the ice, or throwing themselves into the merciless waves, and some have learnt that they can naturally float and ascend . . . without any weight holding them down. All around us we see people's loss and what they have had to let go of, and they mourn the iceberg they held onto - once upon a time - whilst they learn how to overcome wave, after storm, after wave, of emotional and mental battery. 

The life-rafts are plenty, thrown out by copious do-gooders and opportunists, all trying to survive themselves . . . and fortifying their own floatilla at the same time. The 'more - the merrier,' they bellow, 'come over here, listen to my loud speaker over the crashing waves,' and people swim over, desperate to be saved . . .

. . . from themselves. 

Then, there are those that are the ice-melters . . . the teachers of the flame . . . who help you to melt the ice mountain that you have been standing on all your life, and you hate them and love them at the same time, because they increase your inner light and reduce your mountain of ice, mortal safety and security. And you are learning how to stay afloat and allow the natural movements of your inner being to lift you up - higher and higher. 

They say that a spaceman will come to get you, and this may be true if you wish to be added to their numbers on a planet that is unfamiliar and foreign, and whose conditions may not be better than your current ones . . . but you won't know until you get there . . . will you? Why you? Why would they collect you? Why are you an asset for their world? What have you done on this one that you are a beacon of light for another one? Think wisely people!

Those that wish to reach the stars know how to ascend!

They know how to reduce their baggage, their sense of self-entitlement and their secrets. They know how to dive deeper than the surface of their current existence and find their glow, so that they can melt the mountain that they egotistically stand upon. The personality is designed for the tip . . . the smallest area where the sun can shine upon them cyclically, and where they can explore the darkness of their dreams and desires. The personality cannot dive beneath any surface . . . it dies slowly if it tries to. 

It is the soul that knows how to submerge and navigate the waters of the deeper self . . . and it is easy to observe those that have no soul . . . they have to drown others to stay alive. Be aware of those that call you towards life boats, for it is easy to climb aboard someone else's raft, but in fear remain oblivious to the tsunami coming. 

In these days, if people, things, memories, attachments of anything leaves your life . . . teach yourself or learn from others, how to tread water and stay afloat. Then, once you have a buoyant heart and mind, allow yourself to ascend and rise up effortlessly.


[Photo by Pixabay - photobacklit-beach-clouds-dark-289998]


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