
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Incredible Gift

The Incredible Gift How to be at home . . . I asked of the Creator Source one day, ‘ why am I here and for how long? ’ A voice whispered closeby, ‘You are to receive my humble gift .’ A gift!  I was elated and curious all in one moment and I began to ponder the nature of the gift. I wondered if it was something material that I could treasure and hold onto . . . something that would make me rich beyond all comparison.             I wondered if it was an experience that would blow my mind and elevate me beyond my highest expectations.   I wondered if it would envelope me in shrouds of luxury or plumes of delight. I wondered if it held the most precious gems and was encased in the rarest of metals. I wondered if it would secure my marriage and bless my children until the end of my days. I wondered if my life would be one success after another with no thought of failure or lack. I wondered if it w...

The Soul Power of your God

The Soul Power of your God  Search the heavens and dissect the stars until you are blue in the face and it will not bring you closer to any divine personage. Read one thousand books and study literature from ancient manuscripts and it does not bring you into the presence of the divine. They bring you to the door. They do not allow you to cross the threshold nor do they permit you to enter. You may look through the door and perhaps catch a glimpse of something divine or magical but that is all.  As soon as you look away, life catches your attention. You are aware that such a Presence exists and you may have been taught that there is a place where all things and all people are created equal, yet you seldom actually touch it. There is only one thing that brings you into direct connection with the Soul Power of the God of your being . . . your imagination. The divine does not appear before you as a neighbour does, yet in your imagination the God of ...

How To BE Insane Without Getting Noticed

How To BE Insane Without Getting Noticed I watched as I struggled with my different identities growing up.  Life seemed to be a plethora of mirrors, each reflecting a facet that I either loved or hated. This  aunt showed me how to greet new people by kissing me vigorously on the lips and that uncle taught me to shake hands instead. I observed the ways people responded and each brought a different and totally confusing option. I tried them all of course, and found out that I preferred to just say 'hello' instead of the rigmarole of gestures that were performed by family and friends alike.  Finding out who I was, was a mine field of options and some of the not-so-smiled-upon ones were the ones that I naturally gravitated towards.  I found that I was one type of person with family, who expected the worst and best of me, and I was someone totally different with friends, who expected nothing and were quite content to let me b...

The World upsidedown

The World Upside Down Isn't it amusing? The reactive responses from people all over the globe? From social media outbursts to television interviews. From school yard comments to backyard neighbours. From indignant parents to road rage drivers . . . It is as if we have become a people of indescribable sensitivities! We are sensitive to opinions, that are as common as armpits, they stink  and everyone has them.  We are sensitive to most food now and all clothing types. We are sensitive to jokes, to colour, to expression, to differences, to similarities, to sizes and to cultures. We are sensitive to emotions, to change, to stagnation, to insecurity, to chemicals, to perceptions, to body shapes and imagery. Sensitivity has been taken to the extremes, where once it was an intangible intuitive discernment.  Students and adepts of the great spiritual traditions were always taught to be indifferent and to keep their opinions to themselves. To be poised, o...

Dreams of Indigestion

10/05/2018 WORDS SPOKEN WITH POWER I have long since studied the power of words. Psychology tends to do that to a person but even more so - hypnotherapy! There are millions of places in millions of books that attest to that power and they are said to be mightier than the sword. I also studied our language as a race of mere mortals and discovered something phenomenal . . . most of our words, sentences constructions, syntax's and idioms have been developed for the past. This, of course, shocked me! I set out to change that in my own life and to make a giant attempt to re-construct sentences that were aimed at the future instead. Luckily for me, I have a very adaptable family! Instead of: How did you sleep last night? (past) I replaced it with: How are you going to sleep tonight? (future) Instead of: Why are you so unhappy? (past) I replaced it with: Imagine how you will feel in an hour's time (future). Now, I know what you are thinking . ...

World's Most Wonderful Mothers by Jaylee Balch

Worlds Most Wonderful Mothers Some mum's spend their waking hours worrying about things that may not happen Some mum's spend their money on the little things that make all the difference Some mum's spend their days baking and cleaning and making the world better Some mum's work really hard and build big dreams for their children Some mum's spend their lives grieving for something that they lost years ago Some mum's spend their nights hiding in fear and concern for tomorrow Some mum's fight hard battles and triumph over great wars of the spirit Some mum's are never going to see tomorrow . . . Some mum's, wish they were mum's, but will never be . . . in the flesh that is Some mum's are mums and never gave birth to their own real live children Some mum's go about their day in a gentle manner and lovingly care Some mum's take command and steer the family in the right direction Some mum's leave t...

Karma has quit!

Karma Has Quit! . . . now you can look forward to the Wheel of Ownership! With your left hand holding onto your Thinking Brain and your right hand grasping your Doing Brain, your left foot standing on your Acting Brain and your right foot poised upon your Moving Brain, you are well on your way!    And . . . your head is trying to keep control of all the to's and fro's between them. We have become a society of such masculine, action-oriented proportions and there are no gaps between the movements. Do this Do that Go there Come here Take that Give this And not a single place to Be that . . . or Be this.  A once highly efficient part of your lives has now become a distant thing of the past, as you fight the urge to sit down and take a break. It is as if you have alienated yourselves from relaxation to such a degree that society must now come up with a myriad of ways to sell back to you . . . your sense of Being. You now pay for it!  You pay ...

Puberty is an IDENTITY THEFT

Puberty is an Identity Theft ' So many voices cry out across the globe and every passer by blocks their ears, for they too know the cry. Perhaps not for themselves, but for a friend or a colleague and they feel helpless at the tragedy that took so many lives .  One teen - one school .' As we move through a delicate adolescence and into young adulthood, we are supposed to have used the roaring hormones to scrap all those wonderful beliefs that our parents and mentors gave us. Then, we are supposed to make decisions regarding who we want to be as adults and pick up the beliefs again that fit that notion of ourselves, in early adulthood. This may mean that for a time, we lose all sense of who we are . . . for a moment. What? You thought hormones, body hair and bad moods were because your body was changing and some god mistakenly cursed you with pimples? There are no mistakes and we have been made perfectly, but so much of us is still to be understo...