The Soul Power of your God

The Soul Power of your God 

Search the heavens and dissect the stars until you are blue in the face and it will not bring you closer to any divine personage. Read one thousand books and study literature from ancient manuscripts and it does not bring you into the presence of the divine.

They bring you to the door.

They do not allow you to cross the threshold nor do they permit you to enter. You may look through the door and perhaps catch a glimpse of something divine or magical but that is all.

 As soon as you look away, life catches your attention.

You are aware that such a Presence exists and you may have been taught that there is a place where all things and all people are created equal, yet you seldom actually touch it.

There is only one thing that brings you into direct connection with the Soul Power of the God of your being . . . your imagination.
The divine does not appear before you as a neighbour does, yet in your imagination the God of your being is alive and real.
There are no physical ten commandments, yet in your imagination the stories are real.
You can believe until the cows come home, and yet your beliefs are cushioned by your imagination.
Scriptures can reveal the wisest of words, but the authors are given prominence by your imagination.
Great stories can inspire you, yet they are fostered and fired by the imagination and kept alive there too.
Whole kingdoms of beliefs are given a graceful abode within the realms of the imagination and without its abundant care; none of the above would be possible.

Your imagination is the bridge between you and the God of your being. You can only imagine what your god is like. You can only imagine what the kingdom of peace is like. You can only imagine what true love is like and grace and compassion. Your imagination is like a carefully tended garden and your beliefs are only the images in a magazine showing all the flowers growing within it.

Why do you think imagination exists in the first place?

It is no mistake that there is a bridge for you to cross . . . a bridge of beliefs . . . and whilst you cross it and you stand on it, it gives you comfort.
. . . But what of the other side?

What lies there? What lies beyond belief?

So many people are heard to say that they believe in god. Whilst belief serves a purpose and is good and is a transition, many people don’t know that there is a destination . . . an experience that can be had.
When a person crosses that bridge of beliefs and lands on the other side . . . what then?

Well, beliefs go out the window, for one!


Because - on the far side of that bridge of beliefs and in the realms of the imagination, there is a meeting place between you and the God of your being.

And in that meeting place, you no longer need to believe . . .

You know.


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