The World upsidedown
The World Upside Down
Isn't it amusing? The reactive responses from people all over the globe?
From social media outbursts to television interviews. From school yard comments to backyard neighbours. From indignant parents to road rage drivers . . .
It is as if we have become a people of indescribable sensitivities!
We are sensitive to opinions, that are as common as armpits, they stink and everyone has them.
We are sensitive to most food now and all clothing types. We are sensitive to jokes, to colour, to expression, to differences, to similarities, to sizes and to cultures. We are sensitive to emotions, to change, to stagnation, to insecurity, to chemicals, to perceptions, to body shapes and imagery.
Sensitivity has been taken to the extremes, where once it was an intangible intuitive discernment.
Students and adepts of the great spiritual traditions were always taught to be indifferent and to keep their opinions to themselves. To be poised, open-hearted and disciplined and keep themselves free from the noise of ignorant chatter.
They were taught never to allow anyone to steal their peace . . .
Because, dignity relies on the ability to maintain your inner integrity!
The ability to be indifferent to the outer opinion-mongers and totally in harmony with your inner state, is the starting point of great teachers.
But it reaches even beyond opinions and makes its way into the hallowed canyons of the internal landscapes.
Landscapes, which each and every person consciously or unconsciously works upon. A landscape that absorbs every thought and feeling that you have, in every moment and skilfully uses them to forge each tomorrow.
The wise person, with a future that shines with anticipation, does not waste their time with the petty opinions of anyone who does not know the state and beauty of their own inner landscape.
They do not allow everyday occurrences to affect them nor do they allow the shallow landscapes of another, to sway them from their course . . . from experiencing what they have designed and focused upon in their moments of contemplation, prayer or meditation.
A wise person realises that the world will keep turning and people will keep the nightmares alive within them, for they have much to learn.
But . . .
They themselves will witness the nightmares in other people, in other peoples' lives and they will hold their tongue, still their fears and remain at peace.
They will be open to sharing their wisdom, to making a difference through the example that they are. They will teach others to remove themselves from the mass opinions of people, who have lost all sense of dignity and internal integrity and they will begin to bring change.
Change allows all others to be what they want to be, without a person losing themselves in the process!
Amen to that!