Karma has quit!
Karma Has Quit!
With your left hand holding onto your Thinking Brain and your right hand grasping your Doing Brain, your left foot standing on your Acting Brain and your right foot poised upon your Moving Brain, you are well on your way!
We have become a society of such masculine, action-oriented proportions
and there are no gaps between the movements.
Do this
Do that
Go there
Come here
Take that
Give this
And not a single place to Be that . . . or Be this.
A once highly efficient part of your lives has now become a distant thing of the past, as you fight the urge to sit down and take a break. It is as if you have alienated yourselves from relaxation to such a degree that society must now come up with a myriad of ways to sell back to you . . . your sense of Being.
You now pay for it!
You pay for meditation – to destress.
You pay for massages – to unwind and de-knot.
You pay for healing – from your thought patterns.
You pay for relief – from your emotional baggage.
You pay for yoga – to be re-connected with yourselves.
You pay for holidays – to disengage from your lifestyles.
And you pay for peace of mind¬ –to rid yourself of your doubts and fears.
A place where peace comes silently to rest beneath your aching bones and brings a breath of fresh hope to your musings.
A place where love is allowed to be present amidst the hustle and bustle of life and offer itself as a new boost of contentment.
A place that holds out for the restoration of chaotic choices and realigns them into a web of synchronistic life-affirming patterns.
A place which confirms your identity by allowing you to be present and centered, so you can own your moment.
A place that inspires your creative longings without judgement, instead adding excitement to them.
A place not far from your busy life, but far enough to bring you back to yourself and settle you within the boundaries of your most intimate treasures.
To Be . . .
The long and forgotten song of a people who who were once connected to the creation of all things good and all things imaginable.
Thank you, Jaylee!