World's Most Wonderful Mothers by Jaylee Balch

Worlds Most Wonderful Mothers

Some mum's spend their waking hours worrying about things that may not happen
Some mum's spend their money on the little things that make all the difference
Some mum's spend their days baking and cleaning and making the world better
Some mum's work really hard and build big dreams for their children

Some mum's spend their lives grieving for something that they lost years ago
Some mum's spend their nights hiding in fear and concern for tomorrow
Some mum's fight hard battles and triumph over great wars of the spirit
Some mum's are never going to see tomorrow . . .

Some mum's, wish they were mum's, but will never be . . . in the flesh that is
Some mum's are mums and never gave birth to their own real live children
Some mum's go about their day in a gentle manner and lovingly care
Some mum's take command and steer the family in the right direction

Some mum's leave to take care of themselves and some even live with regret
Some mum's stay and never know what it is to breathe the air of freedom
Some mum's never hear a child's cry nor see their little darlings walk
Some mum's sing beautifully and breastfeed their newborn babes

Some mum's never breastfeed and share their precious time with others
Some mum's won't give you the time of day and demand high expectations
Some mum's will give you the shirt off their back and their very last penny
Some mum's are better mums once their daughters have become mums

Mum's are mums no matter the circumstances . . .
'Mum' can be the spirit of a person
Or it can be the person who birthed you
Celebrate with her - every day.


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