Dreams of Indigestion



I have long since studied the power of words. Psychology tends to do that to a person but even more so - hypnotherapy!
There are millions of places in millions of books that attest to that power and they are said to be mightier than the sword.
I also studied our language as a race of mere mortals and discovered something phenomenal . . . most of our words, sentences constructions, syntax's and idioms have been developed for the past.

This, of course, shocked me!

I set out to change that in my own life and to make a giant attempt to re-construct sentences that were aimed at the future instead. Luckily for me, I have a very adaptable family!
Instead of:
How did you sleep last night? (past)
I replaced it with:
How are you going to sleep tonight? (future)
Instead of:
Why are you so unhappy? (past)
I replaced it with:
Imagine how you will feel in an hour's time (future).

Now, I know what you are thinking . . . the sentences read really strange and why would someone ask those things or say those words to another?
Exactly! We are past-orientated and the idea of being future-orientated is strange to many.
Above are only two examples of the change and add to them, a bucket load more, and you have a person thinking very differently. At first, it is difficult even to remember to do this. People stop mid-sentence because you have just asked them something that they have never been asked - "how are you going to sleep tonight?"
Can you remember the last time that you were asked that?
People stop to think about what they need to say to you, instead of mouthing off the first complaint that comes into their heads. Instead of moaning about their bad dreams or their indigestion, they have to pause and think about your question.
The brain-chemistry involved in future thought is very different to the brain chemistry involved in past-thought and uses an entirely different language as such.
A person who has to answer a past question, defaults into the usual habitual answers and attitudes, that seem easy. A person who has to answer a future thought, has no default to fall back upon because it has not taken place yet. 
Here is the interesting part . . .
In order to answer your question, they have to either blow you off or they have to tune into their imagination to 'imagine' seeing their sleep that is 'coming', so to speak.
That engagement of the imagination, is the key!
It is the precursor to creating you own reality. Every athlete, star, actor, singer, millionaire, entrepreneur, explorer etc, had to first engage their imagination and use it to dream about the desires which they most wanted. 
The imagination does not distinguish between good and bad - that might answer your question about bad people being lucky!
And here is the tricky bit . . . you can catch yourself rummaging through your bag of past memories in order to answer the future question too. You can be so hell bent on dragging the past into your future, that you will use the present to make it a reality
If your present is supposed to be a gift, why don't you go ahead into your future, using your imagination and desire and plop a small gift there for yourself? The most wonderful thing about it, is that it will present itself at the exact right moment - if you allow it to be there.
If you follow it up immediately with those past-cyclical thoughts, your future-thought will lose momentum.
Why is desire a key? 
Well, what force on earth keeps you from thinking negatively about a dream or giving up on a dream?
Desire! If you want it bad enough . . . you won't allow anything, any past thought or anyone to steal it from YOU.
As a race, we think that we must be defined by our past, we must be held responsible forever, for something we did decades ago and we must pay forever for our mistakes.
That is why cultures of people keep holding onto the tragedies and victimisation of long past memories, instead of becoming a culture who only looks ahead and begins to define themselves the way they have decided to dream.
I live among those thoughts . . .
There is SO much emphasis placed upon what happened a really long time ago, instead of what will happen a really long way in the future. It is as if, we keep the past alive because we fear change. 
Change has the insidious ability to expose all of our personal limitations.
What if I am really that brilliant - then I cannot be a victim anymore.
What if I am that powerful - then I cannot blame anyone anymore.
What if I am that creative - then I won't need others to entertain me continually.
What if I am that healthy - then people won't visit me to bring me love and help.
What if I am that loving - then I won't need anyone else to feel loved.
What if I am that strong - then I will have to depend upon myself.

It seems that the past has now become the dropbox for all the limitations of our race. 
Each memory from the past, can be found in the Limited Capacity Dropbox. I don't need to remind you why it is limited. 
But there are good things that come from the past, only if those things serve to improve the future or serve as an impetus for growth, or better yet, serve to steer us away from bad decisions and choices, towards brilliant ones. 
Change is a force which keeps up honest and steering true.

- Jaylee Balch -


  1. Words are one of the way we program our brains.

  2. The future always presents itself as gift . . . at the right moment but in order to prepare you for what is coming, it begins the change in present moment . . . adjusting and changing you. So that when you step into that moment of the future, you are ready to be it, do it and meet it!

  3. Excellent observation. I've been practicing de-programming myself to always refer to the past, and have seen a very positive difference. Thank You

    1. De-programming my thought processes from defaulting to the Past .... focusing forward, onwards & upwards! Creating my future elegantly X


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