
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Bubble Has Burst

  And reality is showing its ugly fangs . . . It has been a condition of many writers on earth, to hold back constantly for fear of being targeted by noxious forces. I myself have had to learn how to say more by saying less and although there is this over-whelming urge within me to spill the beans, I am constantly reminded that the truth is bitter. Humans being have been conditioned to all things sweet and nasty, much like ingesting arsenic in a can of pop, and being happy with the flavor. This is not only limited to the liquids that we drink, and flows over into every single aspect of physical life, including food, entertainment, education, justice and so forth. The truth is bitter and being unconditioned to the repulsive taste of it, most pull away and yet we grow up hearing that bitter medicine is the best of us. So perhaps spilling the beans, should be seen a bitter medicine that people need but do not like. It is very important that we distinguish between what we need and what...

There is no one like you

  And yet everything says otherwise . . . I will begin with a story that speaks volumes. Years ago I met a dog, who upon approach, always lay down and turned onto its back to show its belly. A very submissive action, and no matter how I approached that dog, I could not get it to stand to be patted or given a treat. I tried and tried over an over, adjusting my countenance, voice and body langauge . . . but nothing seemed to work. So I gave it some deep thought and decided to change my approach, and whenever I was in its vicinity I would go and sit in a chair . . . I did not go towards it at all. It did not take long before that dog would creep over to where I was and the same as before, it would throw itself on the ground at my feet. I knew that a small aspect had changed but it was not enough. So, I adjusted my approach again and when I sat in that chair, I would place my arm on the armrest and dangle my hand just enough over the end, so that the dog could see it.  Eventually,...

Growing Beyond Destructive Agendas

From your basic ideas of the structures of life . . . Ignorance is not bliss . . . but it is a way to remain peacefully unaware! Peacefully unaware means that we can be like children waiting upon parents to help us, save us, show us, and direct us, but this ascension is giving some the opportunity to shift into spiritual adolescence and beyond! It makes a difference because, whilst a child is carefree, as others take care of their needs - and this can be a positive experience – this can also be a very painful and negative experience when the parents are sub-human or abusive. In Earth’s case . . . they are more than abusive . . . they are adoptive parents with no investment in the continuity of a genetic race different to their own (this is a factor when natural parents take care of their young . . . they are the future. . . so it is their future that they are caring for), and have no reason to create an environment that nurtures the young. When I say children, I mean those with adult b...

Let’s shake things up a little!

  And talk about succumbing to collective hallucination . . . To demonstrate what I am about to convey, I will introduce an analogy so that you comprehend as much as possible. Upon everybody’s lips are the phrases: When the sun goes down or sets and when the sun rises . . . correct? It is an accepted norm and everybody across the world knows exactly what it means – it means it is about to become nighttime or it is about to become daytime. It also means that the sun has dived down behind the horizon or it is about to emerge from the horizon into full view. Acceptable? But the sun does not move ! Our planet rotates around the sun and yet, we all follow this line of thought and speak the words. And so this is where I will spring from during the course of this article . . . it is about the collective hallucination that humans are not aware of in their day to day life. If something so obvious can become a part of daily life, then what else can sneak into the humdrum activities of life? ...