The Bubble Has Burst
And reality is showing its ugly fangs . . .
It has been a condition of many writers on earth, to hold back constantly for fear of being targeted by noxious forces. I myself have had to learn how to say more by saying less and although there is this over-whelming urge within me to spill the beans, I am constantly reminded that the truth is bitter.
Humans being have been conditioned to all things sweet and nasty, much like ingesting arsenic in a can of pop, and being happy with the flavor. This is not only limited to the liquids that we drink, and flows over into every single aspect of physical life, including food, entertainment, education, justice and so forth. The truth is bitter and being unconditioned to the repulsive taste of it, most pull away and yet we grow up hearing that bitter medicine is the best of us. So perhaps spilling the beans, should be seen a bitter medicine that people need but do not like.
It is very important that we distinguish between what we need and what we want – they are worlds apart. It is the fight between these two aspects of ourselves that we most get caught in, and whether we take the bitter medicine or we settle for the deliciously poisoned pop. That is up to you . . . alone.
So onto the bitterness . . . of a medicine that will surely purge you of all your illusions shall we? Earth is not nice! It is not what you think it is . . . what is nice are those souls on earth that make it a better place. It has been overrun by agendas that make use of the worst nightmares that have ever existed, and a fresh dollop of cream has been slathered on top to present a nice looking exterior. Taken or mesmerized by the cake icing, humans think that the entire cake is good and nourishing, not stopping to ask about the ingredients or the recipe for the illusion. If you knew the recipe – you would vomit for a whole week.
The cake is sweet . . . it is pretty and it tantalizes the senses, fooling everybody. What confuses every soul is the deep knowing that there is a place (a home) that is wonderful, nourishing and a great experience for learning. This is known deep down in every soul and this yearning to be in that environment is real . . . but souls are trying to accomplish it in a contrived world that can never give them that fulfillment. They are conditioned to feel as if they have accomplished it, earned it or are born into it, or they never quite reach that place of inner satisfaction . . . the nature of duality. The bitterness of this experience leaves souls striving for something that can never be achieved whilst they are attempting to do it through this paradigm.
The next bitter pill is that an environment is conditioned by its inhabitants, they are the same. A landscape cannot be separate from those that live within it, and so it becomes the result of its inhabitants. Now . . . take a healthy look around you, extend your imagination out into the world and realize that the world is a product of those in it. What do you see? What bitter pill do you have to swallow to realize some hard and cold facts about yourself, those you know, those out in the world and your world? It is a mixture is it not? A whole lot of positive, an excessive amount of negativity portrayed as drama, and then the rest of the hidden cake. Ever wonder what they are not telling you . . . what you don’t know can kill you . . . especially if it comes in a soda can or cake?
This knowing deep within you is real, but you are conditioned to look outside into a world that is made up of a majority of others, who are not seeking what you know to be true. Most of them are not seeking; they are a part of the conditions now and totally enthralled by the opportunities presented within the earth context. The more you look, the more you realize that – and this is the next bitter pill – you are alone or the only one in your group that feels different. You begin to realize that you are in a foreign landscape that does not suit you, nor hold the possibility of what you are truly seeking. There are only mirrors and more mirrors, giving you a glimpse of something but never actually leading you to the treasure. A mock simulation of what you know to be true, but never actually delivering on anything . . . and the cracks appear.
The last bitter pill for now, is that the moment you entered the earth experience, the environment flagged you. You were different and a potential nuisance or problem, and one that could upset the balance of things. Nicely planned and executed things that entertain people and enthrall them. I remember story that a teacher once told us and I will share it here: A man dies and finds himself at the Pearly Gates and the Guardian opens the door to heaven slightly and asks him if he is ready to enter. At that moment, loud music is heard from below and another door stands slightly ajar. The man states that he would like to go see what is down there before he makes his decision. The guardian closes the door and the man descends to the other door. He enters and is greeted by a doorman who welcomes him with open arms. He spends a day there and is given every thing he asks for, every wish is granted, every naughty desire is met easily. At the end of the day, he ascends and states to the guardian that he would like to do down rather than enter at heavens door. He goes back down and knocks on the closed door and it opens. He enters and it closes behind him and it is not the same place that he saw the day before. It is hot, suffocating, nauseating, constricting and ugly, and he grabs an awful looking being and asks him where they nice place has gone? The being answers, ‘that was recruitment day!’
This bitter pill will help you to realize that all the fan-fare and pomp, delicious oddities, take what you want, do as you please, and go anywhere without giving thought to consequences – is a fallacy.
Having said all of this, take heart as we ingest those bitter pills for they are cleansing out the mental parasites which have infested your mind since the day you were born. We take bitter pills when we are sick . . . to death of trying to be healthy and vibrant in a sewer tank.
Photo by cottonbro studio httpswww.pexels.comphotoa-person-biting-a-pill-5701659
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