Let’s shake things up a little!


And talk about succumbing to collective hallucination . . .

To demonstrate what I am about to convey, I will introduce an analogy so that you comprehend as much as possible. Upon everybody’s lips are the phrases: When the sun goes down or sets and when the sun rises . . . correct?

It is an accepted norm and everybody across the world knows exactly what it means – it means it is about to become nighttime or it is about to become daytime. It also means that the sun has dived down behind the horizon or it is about to emerge from the horizon into full view.


But the sun does not move!

Our planet rotates around the sun and yet, we all follow this line of thought and speak the words.

And so this is where I will spring from during the course of this article . . . it is about the collective hallucination that humans are not aware of in their day to day life. If something so obvious can become a part of daily life, then what else can sneak into the humdrum activities of life?

If you do your research, you will find out that Jesus was not born on the 25th December and true historians and scholars know this, and yet . . .

The Salem witch trials were a travesty based upon hearsay and mischief . . . and as fake as the publicized moon landing. What most fail to understand is that there are many faces that hide the actual facts, and these screens of perception tell stories. Whose stories are they telling? Why tell the story that Jesus was born in December and make it into such an institution that the whole world kneels before that day – a large part of the world anyhow? Ask the question – why?

Why tell a fake moon landing story . . . why?

En-masse we have been taught to follow philosophical stories that sound marvelous, and that pull on our emotions and sense of continuity. We have been taught to blindly follow as the blind lead the blind, and that it is alright, because at least they will end up at the same place. We are taught that allopathic medicine is the only way; that drugs will heal us and that cancer research is taking time. They had all the cures a long time ago, but the money coming in was too great a temptation to allow a cure to be found. If they announced a cure, the money would stop. This does not include the genuine folk who are impacted by the effects of family members and their own stories of trauma, having diseases and rehabilitating illnesses. These human stories are genuine . . . but the story of finding cures . . . is a mass hallucination of epic proportion! Where do you think they find their medicine that they say costs an arm and a leg to produce?

Nature . . . there is no other source.

So, it should occur to everyone that the annihilation of nature loving communities - for centuries – is a story that is untold because the story of allopathic medicine had to reach global acceptance? If these people, with their healing arts were a part of the story . . . would ordinary humans be able to get access to the right cures for any illness? And when these ordinary healers have helped humans and they have been cured, what has happened to them?

Nothing good.

There are two stories being circulated around the world and unfortunately people do not have the right mind-maps to read them correctly. The brain circuitry and chemicals in the body have been so thoroughly manipulated, that humans think the sun sets and rises . . . and if they don’t, then why do they say so? Have you ever considered the notion that every time you say those words - or believe them - your body registers that you have aged a day. You only have so many days in one life you know!

What if you stopped thinking that the sun rises or sets . . . and you form a new way of viewing life that is continuous, and goes for as long as you desire? What if you learn to use natural products to heal yourself, with the help from those that know how to use them, and they don’t cost you an arm or a leg? What if you learnt to eat healthy, non-toxic food and the emergence of a disease is no longer an option?

How did they change the mind-maps?

They stole the power from within you and placed it outside of you . . . and into their care. They became the custodians of your health, future, education, prosperity, safety and security.

Who are they?

The story tellers.

When you learn to tell a story under the right conditions, you can mesmerize any audience and bend their will to yours. It is an age-old system of control and it has been used for millions of years. Mass hypnosis is what it is called, and it can only work with those that have been properly prepared. How is that achieved you may ask?

People have to learn to believe that they are dependent upon someone or an external system to such a degree, that they forget their roots or ancestry; which goes way back into the past, where they are hooked into a natural source of power. This has to be severed! Then they have to be educated into a new way of being and believing. This takes a very long time until all root race memory has been erased. This education is specifically designed to dumb down and cut off access to the inner line of natural power. History is then re-written to feed the new story of the new controlled civilisation. This education has to reinforce their beliefs about being dependent upon others outside of them; whereas deep down they know that they can be self-sufficient and enjoy life working in harmony with their community. This education must source all those that have their natural line of power awakened, and they are channeled into certain careers, disappear if they are non-compliant, or forces outside of their power . . . target them until they are shut down.

This education must seep into all streams of life, it must be in everybody’s face . . . screaming at them to remain closed off from their inner source. This gorilla tactic is on every screen, being flashed many times a day by all outlets . . . saying the same thing repeatedly. And because it is spoken more than once, it is reinforced . . . and you believe it.

Fear grows in human beings who have disconnected from their inner source. Fear is a wonderful control mechanism and it allows intimidation and manipulation, and it causes good people to wander from straight paths. Fear causes humans to be herded in through gates that lead to uncomfortable futures. With no connection to the inner source, they follow the rest and do what every body else is doing, because they are afraid to follow their own hearts and intuition.

The stories . . . they all show the horrors, tragedies, explosions, wars, mutilations, weather damage, loss, political mockery, and the masses believe them. So many are staged and just mimicry, a show to mislead and channel as many as possible into furrows of fear. Why don’t we have a single channel in this world that shows all the Good News stories?

Because they run contrary to the money machine that feeds into the vaults of the story tellers . . . the bards of an industrial complex and pharmaceutical empire. Good News runs contradictory to the war mongers, the kings and queens of elitism, the religious siphons, and all those that disregard human life.  

Real stories . . . bring hope, love, courage, expansion, balance, learning, and many great futures worth living for. Read your reality and if the story is not Good News – then walk away and leave it to those that prefer to remain asleep.

This is your story and the book that you write in has many chapters . . . what will you open up to this year?

[Photo by Jill Wellington: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lady-in-beach-silhouette-during-daytime-photography-40192/]


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