There is no one like you
And yet everything says otherwise . . .
I will begin with a story that speaks volumes. Years ago I met a dog, who upon approach, always lay down and turned onto its back to show its belly. A very submissive action, and no matter how I approached that dog, I could not get it to stand to be patted or given a treat. I tried and tried over an over, adjusting my countenance, voice and body langauge . . . but nothing seemed to work.
So I gave it some deep thought and decided to change my approach, and whenever I was in its vicinity I would go and sit in a chair . . . I did not go towards it at all. It did not take long before that dog would creep over to where I was and the same as before, it would throw itself on the ground at my feet. I knew that a small aspect had changed but it was not enough. So, I adjusted my approach again and when I sat in that chair, I would place my arm on the armrest and dangle my hand just enough over the end, so that the dog could see it.
Eventually, the dog learnt to approach me and stopped rolling over, for it realised that if it wanted its head patted - it had to reach for my hand. From there, it was easy enough to approach it and give it a loving scratch without it rolling over.
Human beings are very much like that dog with their learnt behaviour towards an approach from any external source. They either bite your hand or they roll over and show their belly . . . either way it is learnt and it is unnatural.
There is no one like you.
You truly are unique with all your mannerisms, thoughts, feelings, memories, friends, family, study, experiences and personality traits. No one can copy every detail that is arranged in a perfect order - to present another you. Besides . . . every environment is designed to display a singular uniqueness in all of its components or inhabitants, and no two of anything are alike. If we were to take a ball and make an exact copy and place it next to the original, it would seem as if they were indentical. However, the fact that they occupy a different position in space (side by side) changes a component and make them unique because of their spatial characteristics. If we took that same ball and placed it in the exact space of the original; but because two objects cannot occupy the same exact space at the same time, we would have to change its frequency, causing it to disappear from normal sight. Again, changing the spatial frequency would make the original unique.
There is no one like you.
The journey from being a trained dog to being unique is a long one. I know I say things that may stir people up a little, but how would you know that there was mud at the bottom of your glass if I did not stir the water? No human being is a dog . . . dogs are too accommodating, loyal and trusting . . . but our learnt behaviour often leaves us wanting.
You are a one of a kind and you are the only representation of you in the entire universe . . . and your life is the feedback that the Source (God-Goddess-All That Is) is receiving about this single aspect of Itself. No one can return the information that you do - in your experiences, feelings, choices, thoughts and beliefs, to the Source of All Things.
Which begs the question: What are you returning to Sender?
If any human being is copying the actions, mannerisms, behaviours or attitude of anybody else, they are only being a poor copy. The learnt behaviours and mannerisms, clothing styles and attitudes that people observe in others, impresses upon their overall idea of themselves. When they are acting like anything else other than their own unique self, they have learnt to act in accordance to what they feel others expect or want from them.
There is no one like you.
This now opens a can of worms, for the journey to the discovery of the unique self is somewhat difficult, and I will not sugar coat it as I know that readers want facts now, and not placating memes and sayings. Many wish to get down into the dirt and begin shovelling the layers of congested grime and slime that have built up over time. Most of the journey is not about learning anything new . . . it is about undoing and releasing, severing and chipping away, to reach the authentic layers that still exist in higher or inner stratas.
What happens when a unique aspect is so contorted, changed and manipulated, that it is spatially far away from its unique position in the cosmic scheme of events? This is all relative and serves only as an example and not as concrete truth: it becomes something else, much like a beautiful statue covered in bird droppings, nucleic waste, dust, and sediment. Or it becomes a wonderful work of art that is locked away behind a glass cabinet, only visible at opening times and surrounded by alarms, lazers and guards. It does not matter how it is altered, it loses contact with those around it and it is hidden from plain sight.
This becomes the altered ego's representation of you.
Each unique individual has a landscape that brings out the best in them, but when they have lost themselves, they almost always end up in environments that are not suitable to who they are deep within. This can include any environment or situation such as: work, marriage, friendships, circumstances, agreements, obligations and promises. Most people lose themselves before the age of seven, and they have learnt to roll over or to bite, to hide some of their unique aspects and to over-emphasize others . . . to survive - in an altered state.
And what happens with the current of uniquely creative experiences, feelings and thoughts that all return to Sender? They are the impressions of an altered state of being instead of a unique one. Does it matter? It matters only to the individual who is altered, because they have to live the altered life, with its consequences, lacks, and undulations of power and helplessness. So what if you are only a pebble in the big scheme of cosmic affairs? The mountain of altered facts that you have piled upon your head and shoulders, making you seem more than you really are, is your burden to carry . . . and no one else's.
It is a glorious day when an altered person falls from grace (so to speak) and the mountain is lifted and the little pebble is exposed. Because for the first time they become aware of their true state of being, and it is a powerful and humbling experience. The pebble does not need to remain so small forever and will naturally grow into a conscious boulder, and wherever it rolls it will change the world.
There is no one like you.
[Photo by Pixabay:]
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