
The Great Journey of Ascension

  And the days ahead . . . The exhausted apex climber takes a breath and lets her body go momentarily silent. He is nearly there; he can smell the clean air amid the heights of personal effort. Then, with one last breath, she pulls herself away from the mountain face to begin the final ascent. He matches each footstep, one step after the other, with courage, resilience, fortitude, bravery, discipline, and focus. She clears the top! Nothing is above her, and everything below is a testimony to the effort and single-mindedness that allowed him to overcome challenges along the way, like the stone in her shoe and the slip when he misjudged the stone’s integrity. Not everyone would experience a stone in her shoe or the dangers of a loose rock. Instead, others might experience a cutting wind or skin blistered by the blazing sun. While some would cry and sit on the ground as their frustration got the the better of them, others would try to help by offering to share their load. Some would r...

Dealing with what is Facing Me

As I witness my reality changing . . . It is an understatement that the world is very different to what it was almost four years ago. We can all see that and have experienced the burgeoning new dynamics in our cultures, social stance and what is now important. That is on the surface level of what is seen or unseen, and it hides the undercurrents of what is actually taking place in reality. The story is colossal and some may find it very hard to chew, spitting out the hard lumps of truth in favor of the sweet delights of normalcy. Life can be seen as a valley with two encampments; each perched on a sloping hill facing each other, and in-between them and separating them is a river of consciousness. How the two camps even began is lost in a time before time . . . and then even way before that. The first camp is known for its sabotages, shortcuts, attacks, subterfuge, servants, slaves, submission, and general lack of sobriety. The second camp is known for its compassion, caring, clarity, s...

My Idea of an Ascension Self

  And what it will take to become it . . . A world awash with ideas of enlightenment and ascension . . . and all equally valid, according to each person’s idea of what it is like to take that path. From the robe wearing and feet washing rituals, to the bowing before the dawn sun and a mountain of literature. Where to begin? What is next? Who knows the truth best? There is no single answer to this highly volatile subject as each person is already supported by their ideas of self that come with them from the soul side of life. Even the soul ideas are only ideas that are supportive and in alignment with the general plan of a linearly time-based life. Which begs the question: what is that ingredient that makes all the difference in the trajectory of the self, if each individual is only the sum of pre-arranged ideas? That ingredient is an insert, or a person, teacher, teaching, idea or an inspiration that reaches the mind that is willing to receive it. It is a signpost, sometimes not ob...

The Way of the Wise Soul

  And the paths ahead! The world is weary with information and concepts thrown haphazardly out into the public domain. One would assume that with all the words spliced together to form sentences thickened with colourful meanings, there would be a clear and direct way of smoothly navigating reality. But this is duality! Reality navigation is necessary. The obstacles, options, choices, and unique skills weave a path loaded with dichotomy and adventure. The routes through this reality are designed to go anywhere imaginable and without boundaries except for the limitations within the consciousness of the dreamer. Heavens? There are many. And hells? There are even more because they are manifested by creative minds. Going on an average of daily thoughts per person, we can safely say that it is easier to imagine the worst than the best. Just look around and listen to the voices! Why would the world be in its current position? Regardless of your beliefs about politics, religions,...

The Bubble Has Burst

  And reality is showing its ugly fangs . . . It has been a condition of many writers on earth, to hold back constantly for fear of being targeted by noxious forces. I myself have had to learn how to say more by saying less and although there is this over-whelming urge within me to spill the beans, I am constantly reminded that the truth is bitter. Humans being have been conditioned to all things sweet and nasty, much like ingesting arsenic in a can of pop, and being happy with the flavor. This is not only limited to the liquids that we drink, and flows over into every single aspect of physical life, including food, entertainment, education, justice and so forth. The truth is bitter and being unconditioned to the repulsive taste of it, most pull away and yet we grow up hearing that bitter medicine is the best of us. So perhaps spilling the beans, should be seen a bitter medicine that people need but do not like. It is very important that we distinguish between what we need and what...

There is no one like you

  And yet everything says otherwise . . . I will begin with a story that speaks volumes. Years ago I met a dog, who upon approach, always lay down and turned onto its back to show its belly. A very submissive action, and no matter how I approached that dog, I could not get it to stand to be patted or given a treat. I tried and tried over an over, adjusting my countenance, voice and body langauge . . . but nothing seemed to work. So I gave it some deep thought and decided to change my approach, and whenever I was in its vicinity I would go and sit in a chair . . . I did not go towards it at all. It did not take long before that dog would creep over to where I was and the same as before, it would throw itself on the ground at my feet. I knew that a small aspect had changed but it was not enough. So, I adjusted my approach again and when I sat in that chair, I would place my arm on the armrest and dangle my hand just enough over the end, so that the dog could see it.  Eventually,...

Growing Beyond Destructive Agendas

From your basic ideas of the structures of life . . . Ignorance is not bliss . . . but it is a way to remain peacefully unaware! Peacefully unaware means that we can be like children waiting upon parents to help us, save us, show us, and direct us, but this ascension is giving some the opportunity to shift into spiritual adolescence and beyond! It makes a difference because, whilst a child is carefree, as others take care of their needs - and this can be a positive experience – this can also be a very painful and negative experience when the parents are sub-human or abusive. In Earth’s case . . . they are more than abusive . . . they are adoptive parents with no investment in the continuity of a genetic race different to their own (this is a factor when natural parents take care of their young . . . they are the future. . . so it is their future that they are caring for), and have no reason to create an environment that nurtures the young. When I say children, I mean those with adult b...