My Idea of an Ascension Self


And what it will take to become it . . .

A world awash with ideas of enlightenment and ascension . . . and all equally valid, according to each person’s idea of what it is like to take that path. From the robe wearing and feet washing rituals, to the bowing before the dawn sun and a mountain of literature.
Where to begin?
What is next?
Who knows the truth best?
There is no single answer to this highly volatile subject as each person is already supported by their ideas of self that come with them from the soul side of life. Even the soul ideas are only ideas that are supportive and in alignment with the general plan of a linearly time-based life.
Which begs the question: what is that ingredient that makes all the difference in the trajectory of the self, if each individual is only the sum of pre-arranged ideas?
That ingredient is an insert, or a person, teacher, teaching, idea or an inspiration that reaches the mind that is willing to receive it. It is a signpost, sometimes not obvious and sometimes glaring at the individual who is too blind to see it. It is a thought that is out of the box, an idea that singes the hemispheres of the current idea of self, or it is a nagging pull in a direction that goes against the norm.
How far do you want to be nagged?
Ascension is deeply personal and there is no one size that fits all, but there some commonalities amongst the ideas of self of those brave enough to venture once again into the game of life.
‘In this world but not of it' – sound familiar?
A soul could experience a million years without an ‘insert’ before it learns of a new train of thought that leads to a different destiny. The context of the world makes all the difference with the themes of ascension. Five hundred years ago (if we use the current fabricated line of history) the idea was confined to mystery schools and secret societies hidden from the public. There was a stage when the knowledge was believed to be hidden because of its power and occult meaning . . . but those days are fast fading. The idea behind the hidden knowledge and schools is emerging into the social fabric of reality as control, limitation, subjugation, imprisonment and keeping the people in a state of being ignorant.
There are new streams of ideas flooding into the mass consciousness of this world, and many are anxious to explore those potentials. They feel better and fresh, powerful and freedom has become the new buzz in the world. Something that adepts, initiates and masters have always known to be a clearer and healthier perspective of the purpose of life has now become main stream.
But they had the added edge of thousands of years of education, knowledge being passed down and dedicated teachers who taught them ideas that would astound even those considered to be genius in this current world today.
What does the everyday person have access to?
Mainstream books?
Mainstream teachers?
Mainstream ideas?
Mainstream search engines?
The result can only lead towards mainstream results surely?
Information agreed upon does not mean that it is the ultimate truth, and nor does it mean that it will be the correct platform where the ideas passed on in ancient schools, will appear. Information that feels good leads to an experience of feeling good, but so does cocaine, food addiction, sex, spite and revenge.
There is a reason that those schools exist or existed.
They offered the most precious inserts that were a requirement of true ascension. They offered ideas that would outlast the current world of ideas. They taught ideas that could not be considered mainstream, searchable, nor ones that could be flippantly read and then discarded. They knew that each piece of knowledge that they were given was not for free, that it was to be embraced; accepted as a part of their ideas of self and then lived into becoming. 
They became those ideas that they were taught.
Is that what is taking place in the mainstream gold rush towards ascension?
Mostly not. Ascension guides are popping up on every street corner promising what they contrive of as their idea of ascension. And if any individual does go through a personal experience, they think that it must be mimicked by all their followers in the same manner. An ascended individual means many things and they will be contained within a context that best suits their goals and what they aspire towards.
It is the quality of ideas that speak the loudest.

Follow me – I will save you’ . . . is merely an idea that makes an individual a follower.
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life’ . . . is merely an idea that makes an individual a pioneer of their own ideas of self.

True ascension has nothing to do with ‘feeling good’ and nor is it a dramatic and often public display of emotions and trauma. Why would anyone place their minds and subconscious self on the chopping block, staged to bring out the tears, mucous and tissues, and also be entertainment for all those assembled? Do you honestly think that adepts and those whose lives are solely dedicated to ascension, stand on stages and allow themselves to be crucified for all to see?
They have a timeless idea of ascension and what it is to move beyond the boundaries of the present self confined in time and space. They reduce their ego to a minimum, diminishing their present idea of self until the ascended idea of self emerges to take its place. They overcome all their shadows.
Most of the ascension disciplines do not take place in public, are not for the inquisitive eyes to witness and nor do they become the food for others to feed upon, like so many dramatic and emotional displays nowadays.
Ascension is private and deeply personal, extending only to others if it serves to bring forward ideas that will lead to further ascension potentials within them.

[Photo by Hatice Baran:]


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