Oooh! Ancestral Integration Ouch!
Oooh! Ancestral Integration Ouch!
'Ancestral Integration' is inspired by the journey a soul has to take to dis-entangle itself from the expectations, obligations and occult (or hidden) inheritance that runs through their veins.
People are genuinely unaware how deeply this determines their movements, what they eat, where they sleep, how they process information, their fight against Light and Dark ( yes . . I did just say that) and whether they can draw from the well of inspiration or not. Threaded through our inner landscape of 'self' are rivers of invisible ink, and they have the power to direct the course of our lives . . . if we allow them to. They colour the blood in our veins and transport ideas, attitudes, beliefs and allegiances from centuries ago. I know, it is a hard pill to swallow and it does take transmutation and an intent to be clear and powerful within ones own selfhood. Whilst some may like the idea of having granny's eyes and father's chin, there are millions who are wanting to awaken to their soul's destiny, and be sovereign within themselves.
It is quite easy to spot the invisible influence in the choices we each make in life, and a contributing factor is in the voices that we each hear in our heads. We seem to hear everyone except ourselves, and if asked, we would swear blindly that we hear our own choir singing different tunes. And we do! We hear the multitude from a distant past trying to weigh-in on a conversation that they are not equipped to participate in. The future calls to us somewhere out in the wilderness of the unknown, but the ancestral cacophony - who always did it their way - scream above the winds of change, drowning out the dreams of tomorrow.
Now, in this moment we are asked in a fervent manner, to pay attention to what we truly find joy in. From the automatic ingestion of a carrot, to regurgitating stories meant to put someone to sleep, to churning through actions in the day without getting some clarity on how we feel about them. We have to ask ourselves the questions;
Why am I eating this and if the answer is not a resounding - for the joy of it - then eat something else. Intent is like releasing a carrier pigeon and waiting for the response, and that response delivers clues, messages through visual, audible, sensory, dreams or feedback showing up for us, so that we can pay attention. Being aware involves the practise of paying attention, actually being present to catch the clues the moment you decide to act on anything. A split second before you act, you already know if you are going to love your idea enough to act upon it - even if it is only snacking upon some desiccated coconut, or drinking with a friend, or taking a ride to visit someone. If you miss the moment and act upon it regardless, there is another one during your experience and also right afterwards, where you can realise that you were responding to that invisible tug of internal guilt, or flow of internal boredom, that essence of internal doubt and lack of connection with a higher Source of Creator.
Automatic - is not a reason to allow these invisible threads to convolute the inner landscape of a truly authentic individual, with a diabolical inheritance extending very far back in time. You are not your ancestry unless you aspire to it, and even then there is place in time where it was beautiful and pure, like you are meant to be!
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