When your Treasure Chest is empty!

When your Treasure Chest is empty!

Tens of thousands of people have come through our programs dealing with Inner Mastery of their Spirit and Outer Mastery of their Reality. I had to explain the different types of students and rather than delving into the layers of programs from Beginners to Advanced, I sought a better way to navigate what can be a torrent of egoistical indignancies.

Two kinds of students came into my mind and I saw a Treasure Chest. I saw a stream of students carrying their personal Treasure Chest and as they came to us, the chests were opened and inside was empty. There was no gems nor precious stones, gold nor silver and they turned themselves away and left. I saw streams of these students filter through and some lingered hopeful, while others disappeared in a stormy silence.
Once in a while, as students would appear and when they opened their chest, a beautiful jewel could be seen lying on the bottom. It did not matter if the gem was small or large, cut or rough, polished or encrusted in dirt. None of that counted. What mattered was there was a gem and that was enough.
As teachers of teachers, we look and wait for those who arrive with a gem in their Treasure Box.
And what is the appearance of a gem like, I hear you ask?

A gem is an awareness, a consciousness which has been developed over long periods of time and through many experiences and is sometimes hard to spot. It comes with a heart which longs for something that it does not know how to recognise. It comes with a humbleness, which translates into deep power and knowingness. It comes with a hunger, which is only satiated by an awakening and knowledge.
So many, tens of thousands call in and dip a toe into the Living Waters, the well spring of ancient currents and then walk away because they are hoping to find their gems with us.
There are many teachers serving the earth in so many varied ways. Some offer paths, some offer pedestals, outer wealth and fame and others, a safe harbour. But our service is to create circumstances which form gems and it is our service to receive gems and clean, cut and polish them. We are cosmic jewellers, aware of the value of a deep spiritual calling in the inner sanctum of certain people.
Who are these people, who carry these internal gems?
That is not for us to say nor name -
They remain a mystery even to us until they cross our paths.
One in a million, our Master Tibetan would say!

-Jaylee Balch -


  1. What an amazing insight and imagery. I always loved loved your imageries. It stays deeply in my memory. I can see my jewels now, and work with it. I am so grateful that our path have crossed many years ago. Thank you for not giving me one, but showing me that I had one in the box, hidden under a secret compartment I was not aware. Humbled by the insite.


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