The Secret Genie

 The Secret Genie 

I am appalled! The Genie has come out . . . struck the blow . . . and disappeared and I did not even rub its bloody lamp!
There I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden I am attacked by my own world. 
I know that I have been saying for years, that I am afraid of spiders, but that was an honest admission which came at a price. You can't tell just anyone about that fear because they all seem to have this urge to throw a piece of wool at you or run their fingers softly up the back of your neck.
And you are all probably wondering what a spider has to do with the Genie . . .
My secret Genie belongs to me and only I have access to it - well that's not really true - if I am in shock or unconscious or really emotional, others can access it too!
But it has been years that I have telling it, that I am afraid of spiders and in its truest form and nature, it seeks to please me without any form of value assessment or judgement on its own behalf. You would think that the Genie would warn me about random thoughts or negative behaviour or really smelly desires and god-awful fantasies - wouldn't you?
You would think that it would operate and conjure on my behalf, but also use its own intelligence to sort through my muddied wishes - wouldn't you?
You would think that it would say 'stop' when I wished for only a little please. Surely, my Genie can point the way to wishing for a lot and help me to up my game? Isn't it supposed to help me ask for a bigger castle and more money than I can imagine?
Well, apparently not!
My Genie only responds to one thing - 'Your wish is my command!' It is that literal.
So, as I sit and think to myself I hope there are no spiders, one drops from the ceiling and lands on my hand. The rest can be imagined.
My Genie is called my Sub-Conscious Mind.
-Jaylee Balch-


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