
Showing posts from March, 2023

Dealing with what is Facing Me

As I witness my reality changing . . . It is an understatement that the world is very different to what it was almost four years ago. We can all see that and have experienced the burgeoning new dynamics in our cultures, social stance and what is now important. That is on the surface level of what is seen or unseen, and it hides the undercurrents of what is actually taking place in reality. The story is colossal and some may find it very hard to chew, spitting out the hard lumps of truth in favor of the sweet delights of normalcy. Life can be seen as a valley with two encampments; each perched on a sloping hill facing each other, and in-between them and separating them is a river of consciousness. How the two camps even began is lost in a time before time . . . and then even way before that. The first camp is known for its sabotages, shortcuts, attacks, subterfuge, servants, slaves, submission, and general lack of sobriety. The second camp is known for its compassion, caring, clarity, s...

My Idea of an Ascension Self

  And what it will take to become it . . . A world awash with ideas of enlightenment and ascension . . . and all equally valid, according to each person’s idea of what it is like to take that path. From the robe wearing and feet washing rituals, to the bowing before the dawn sun and a mountain of literature. Where to begin? What is next? Who knows the truth best? There is no single answer to this highly volatile subject as each person is already supported by their ideas of self that come with them from the soul side of life. Even the soul ideas are only ideas that are supportive and in alignment with the general plan of a linearly time-based life. Which begs the question: what is that ingredient that makes all the difference in the trajectory of the self, if each individual is only the sum of pre-arranged ideas? That ingredient is an insert, or a person, teacher, teaching, idea or an inspiration that reaches the mind that is willing to receive it. It is a signpost, sometimes not ob...

The Way of the Wise Soul

  And the paths ahead! The world is weary with information and concepts thrown haphazardly out into the public domain. One would assume that with all the words spliced together to form sentences thickened with colourful meanings, there would be a clear and direct way of smoothly navigating reality. But this is duality! Reality navigation is necessary. The obstacles, options, choices, and unique skills weave a path loaded with dichotomy and adventure. The routes through this reality are designed to go anywhere imaginable and without boundaries except for the limitations within the consciousness of the dreamer. Heavens? There are many. And hells? There are even more because they are manifested by creative minds. Going on an average of daily thoughts per person, we can safely say that it is easier to imagine the worst than the best. Just look around and listen to the voices! Why would the world be in its current position? Regardless of your beliefs about politics, religions,...