
Showing posts from July, 2022

Oooh! Ancestral Integration Ouch!

  Oooh! Ancestral Integration Ouch! 'Ancestral Integration' is inspired by the journey a soul has to take to dis-entangle itself from the expectations, obligations and occult (or hidden) inheritance that runs through their veins. People are genuinely unaware how deeply this determines their movements, what they eat, where they sleep, how they process information, their fight against Light and Dark ( yes . .  I did just say that) and whether they can draw from the well of inspiration or not. Threaded through our inner landscape of 'self' are rivers of invisible ink, and they have the power to direct the course of our lives . . . if we allow them to. They colour the blood in our veins and transport ideas, attitudes, beliefs and allegiances from centuries ago. I know, it is a hard pill to swallow and it does take transmutation and an intent to be clear and powerful within ones own selfhood. Whilst some may like the idea of having granny's eyes and father's chin, th...

Leap Froggin' Through Spiritual Space

  ‘I did it again!  It is like an addiction to a never-ending drug of consciousness! Each and every time I inject that spiritual vaccine into the limb of my metaphysical body, the world seems to disappear and a lull enters my senses. Gone are all the physical deadlines and ‘must-do’s’, all the should’s and shouldn’ts and in flows the bliss. If only I could live this way for all the days of my life and never be concerned with my own welfare nor my dignity. If only I could live on the blissful agreements of a well-timed universe and the zero expectant demands of my higher self. If only I did not have to think about how I could be of service or how I have to earn my bread and butter, and instead drink of the elixir of Buddahood. When I read tales of the Masters and their disciplines in the caves of immortality, I am persuaded to answer to the call of my spirit. I need none of the contents of the spirit contained within a bottle . . . mine is pure and totally justified. The spirit...